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Bibliographic Subjects » MODES OF EMPIRICAL HAPPINESS RESEARCH » People investigated: some populations » Happiness in age groups » In middle aged people

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MODES OF EMPIRICAL HAPPINESS RESEARCH People investigated: some populations Happiness in age groups In middle aged people
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In middle aged people, mid life, 40+, 50+
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Fleeson, W. The Quality of American Life at the End of the Century.
Brim, O.G.;Ryff, C.D.;Kessler, R.C.;Eds.: "How Healthy Are We? A National Study of Well-Being at Midlife", University of Chicago Press, 2004, USA, 252 - 272
Markus, H.R.; Lachman, M.E.; Plaut, V.C. Well-Being in America: Core Features and Regional Patterns.
Brim, O.G.;Ryff, C.D.;Kessler, R.C.;Eds.: "How Healthy Are We? A National Study of Well-Being at Midlife", University of Chicago Press, 2004, USA, 614 - 650
Lachman, M.E.; Prenda Firth, K.M. The Adaptive Value of Feeling in Control During Midlife.
Brim, O.G.;Ryff, C.D.;Kessler, R.C.;Eds.: "How Healthy Are We? A National Study of Well-Being at Midlife", University of Chicago Press, 2004, USA, 320 - 349
Fu, S.K.; Anderson, D.; Courtney, M.; McAvan, B. The Relationship between Country of Residence, Gender and the Quality of Life in Australian and Taiwanese Midlife Residents.
Social Indicators Research, 2006, Vol. 79, 25 - 49
Groot, W.; Maassen-VandenBrink, H. Age and Education Differences in Marriages and Their Effects on Life Satisfaction.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2002, Vol. 3, 153 - 165
Hansen, T. Subjective Well-Being in the Second Half of Life. The Influence of Family and Household.
Dissertation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, 2010, Oslo, Norway
Hansen, T.; Moum, T.; Slagsvold, B. Childlessness and Psychological Well-Being in Midlife and Old Age: An Examination of Parental Status Effects Across a Range of Outcomes.
Social Indicators Research, 2009, Vol. 94, 343 - 362
Keizer, R.; Dykstra, P.A.; Poortman, A.R. Life Outcomes of Childless Men and Fathers.
European Sociological Review, 2010, Vol. 26, 1 - 15
Dykstra, P.A. The Wellbeing of Childness Men and Fathers in Mid-Life.
Ageing and Society, 2009, Vol. 29, 1227 - 1242
DenDraak, M. Oudere Tehuisbewoners Landelijk Overzicht van de Leefsituatie van Ouderen in Instellingen 2008/2009. ( Institutional Living of Older People National Survey of the Living Situation of Older People in Homes 2008/2009.)
Social Cultural Planning office (SCP), 2010, The Hague, Netherlands