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Bibliographic Subjects » MODES OF EMPIRICAL HAPPINESS RESEARCH » Methods used in happiness research (other than cross-sections) » Experimental studies on happiness

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MODES OF EMPIRICAL HAPPINESS RESEARCH Methods used in happiness research (other than cross-sections) Experimental studies on happiness
Additional keywords
Experimental studies on happiness, trial, test
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Arthur, G.L.; Donnan, H.H.; Lair, C.V. Companionship Therapy with Nursing Home Aged.
The Gerontologist, 1973, Vol. 13, 167 - 170
Banziger, G.; Roush, S. Nursing Homes for the Birds: A Control- Relevant Intervention with Bird Feeders.
The Gerontologist, 1983, Vol. 29, 527 - 531
Berman, J.J. The Volunteer in Parole Program: An Evaluation.
Criminology, 1975, Vol. 13, 111 - 113
Berman, J.J. An Experiment in Parole Supervision.
Evaluation Quarterly, 1978, Vol. 2, 71 - 90
Suter, E.; Marti, B.; Tschopp, A.; Wanner, H.U. Effekte von Jogging auf psychisches Befinden und saisonale Stimmungsschwankungen: eine randomisierte Studie mit gesunden Frauen und Männern. (Effects of Jogging on Well-Being and Seasonal Changes of Mood: A Random Study with Healthy Woman and Man).
Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschnitt, 1991, Vol. 121, 1254 - 1263
Wiseman, R. The Luck Factor.
Century, 2003, UK
Lyubomirsky, S.; Tucker, K.L. Implications of Individual Differences in Subjective Happiness for Perceiving, Interpreting, and Thinking about Life Events.
Motivation and Emotion, 1998, Vol. 22, 155 - 186
Wamsteker, E.M.; Geenen, R.; Iestra, J.A.; VanStaveren, W.A. Beleving van Obesitas: Gewichtsverlies en de Kwaliteit van Leven na een Dieetbehandeling met Maaltijdvervangers. (Obesitas: Loss of Weight and the Quality of Life after Diet with Food Replacements).
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Diëtisten, 2003, Vol. 58, 59 - 63
Schüppel, R.; Boos, B.; Bühler, G.; Lataster, M. Subjective Symptoms and Quality of Life in Healthy Subjects during a Phase I Study.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1996, Vol. 51, 215 - 219
Goldwurm, G.F.; Baruffi, M.; Colombo, E. Improving Subjective Well-Being for the Promotion of Health: The Milan Project.
Homeostasis, 2003, Vol. 42, 157 - 162