
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Measures of overall happiness

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MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Measures of overall happiness
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Measures of overall happiness, life satisfaction, life as a whole, global judgement
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Andrews, F.M.; Robinson, J.P. Measures of Subjective Well-Being.
Robinson, J.P.; et al.; Eds.: "Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Well-Being", Academic Press, 1991, USA, 61 - 114
Andrews, F.M.; Withey, S.B. Developing Measures of Perceived Life Quality: Results from Several National Surveys.
Social Indicators Research, 1974, Vol. 1, 1 - 26
Biswas-Diener, R.; Diener, E. Making the Best of Bad Situation: Satisfaction in de Slums of Calcutta
Social Indicators Research, 2001, Vol. 55, 329 - 352
Sirgy, M.J. The Psychology of Quality of Life.
Kluwer, 2002, Social Indicators Research Series, Vol. 12, Dordrecht, Netherlands
McKennell, A.C.; Andrews, F.M. Components of Perceived Life Quality.
Journal of Community Psychology, 1983, Vol. 11, 98 - 116
Lawton, M.P.; Fulcome, M.; Kleban, M.H.; Moss, M. A Research and Service Oriented Multi-Level Assessment Instrument.
Journal of Gerontology, 1982, Vol. 37, 91 - 99
Loewenstein, S.F.; Bloch, N.E.; Campion, J.; Epstein, J.S.; Gale, P. A Study of Satisfactions and Stresses of Single Women in Midlife.
Sex Roles, 1981, Vol. 7, 1127 - 1141
Mayring, P. Die Erfassung subjektiven Wohlbefindens. (The Measurement of Subjective Well-Being).
Abele, A.;Becker, P.;Eds.: "Wohlbefinden: Theorie, Empiric, Diagnostik", Juventa Verlag, 1991, München, Germany, 51 - 70
McKinley Runyan, W. The Life Satisfaction Chart: Perceptions of the Course of Subjective Experience.
International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1980, Vol. 11, 45 - 64
Morgan, E.; Mull, H.K.; Washburn, M.F. An Attempt to Test Moods or Temperaments of Cheerfulness and Depression by Directed Recall of Emotionally Toned Experiences.
American Journal of Psychology, 1919, Vol. 30, 302 - 304