
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Measures of life appraisals other than happiness » Multiple questions involving invalid ones » Health related quality-of-life

Classification path
MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Measures of life appraisals other than happiness Multiple questions involving invalid ones Health related quality-of-life
Additional keywords
Health related quality-of-life, HQOL, patient reported outcomes, PRO
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Bernheim, J.L. Anamnestic Comparative Self Assessment (ACSA).
Persmap Documentatie, Free University Brussels, Quality of Life Study Group, Belgium
Cummins, R.A.; Lau, A.L.; Stokes, M.A. HRQOL and Subjective Well-Being: Noncomplementary forms of Outcome Measurement.
Expert Revue Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Research, 2004, Vol. 4, 413 - 420.
Priebe, S. Application and Results of the Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life.
International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1999, Vol. 45, 7 - 13
Gandek, B.; Aaronson, N.K.; Alonso, J.; Ware Jr., J.E. Tests of Data Quality, Scaling Assumptions, and Reliability of the SF-36 in Eleven Countries: Results from the IQOLA Project.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1998, Vol. 51, 1149 - 1158
Lam, C.L.; Chan, M.S.; Gandek, B.; Ren, X.S. Tests of Scaling Assumptions and Construct Validity of the Chinese (HK) Version of the SF - 36 Health Survey.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1998, Vol. 51, 1139 - 1147
Bjorner, J.B.; Damsgaard, M.T.; Watt, T. Tests of Data Quality, Scaling Assumptions, and Reliability of the Danish SF-36.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1998, Vol. 51, 1001 - 1011
Frisch, M.B. Improving Mental and Physical Health Care through Quality of Life Therapy and Assessment.
Diener, E.;Rathz, D.R.;Eds.: "Advances in Quality of Life Theory and Research", Kluwer, 2000, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 207 - 242
Covinsky, K.E.; Connors, A.F.; Landefeld, S.; Wu, A.W. Health Status versus Quality of Life in Older Patients: Does the Distinction Matter?
The American Journal of Medicine, 1999, Vol. 106, 435 - 440
Holmes, W.C.; Shea, J.A. Performance of a New HIV/AIDS-Targeted Quality of Life (HAT-QoL) Instrument in Asymptomatic Seropositive Individuals.
Quality of Life Research, 1997, Vol. 6, 561 - 571
Holmes, W.C.; Shea, J.A. Two Approaches to Measuring Quality of Life in the HIV/AIDS Population: HAT-Qol and MOS-HIV.
Quality of Life Research, 1999, Vol. 8, 515 - 527