Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Measures of hedonic level » Self report on direct questions » Repeated questions on mood of the moment
- Classification path
MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Measures of hedonic level Self report on direct questions Repeated questions on mood of the moment - Additional keywords
- Repeated questions on mood of the moment, beeper, diary, ecological assessment, experience sampling EMS, multiple-moment measurement, time sampling
- Related bibliographic subjects
- Related correlational subjects
- None
Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive
- No empirical study reported
- 0
- No valid measure of happiness used
- 0
- Eligible but not yet entered
- 15
- Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)
- 4
List of Publications on this Subject
Science, 2004, Vol. 306, 1776 - 1780
Katschnig, H.; et al; Eds. : "Quality of Life in Mental Disorders", Wiley & Sons, 1997, Chichester, UK, 97 - 107
Psychiatry Research, 1999, Vol. 88, 173 - 189
Psychological Reports, 1974, Vol. 35, 479 - 484
Archiv für Psychiatric und Nervenkrankheiten, 1972, Vol. 216, 70 - 81
Social Science and Medicine, 1982, Vol.16, 1691 - 1697
Arzneimittel Forschung, 1970, Vol. 7, 915 - 918
Tomkins, S.;Izard, C.;Eds.: "Affect, Cognition and Personality", Springer, 1965, New York, USA, 325 - 389
Psychological Records, 1937, Vol. 1, 147 - 156
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1985, Vol. 48, 428 - 434