
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Measures of hedonic level » Self report on direct questions » Repeated questions on mood of the moment

Classification path
MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Measures of hedonic level Self report on direct questions Repeated questions on mood of the moment
Additional keywords
Repeated questions on mood of the moment, beeper, diary, ecological assessment, experience sampling EMS, multiple-moment measurement, time sampling
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Kahneman, D.; Krueger, A.B.; Schkade, D.A.; Schwarz, N.; Stone, A.A. A Survey Method for Characterizing Daily Life Experience: The Day Reconstruction Method.
Science, 2004, Vol. 306, 1776 - 1780
Barge-Schaapveld, D.Q.; Delespaul, P.A.; DeVries, M.W.; Nicolson, N.A. Assessing Daily Quality of Life with the Experience Sampling Method.
Katschnig, H.; et al; Eds. : "Quality of Life in Mental Disorders", Wiley & Sons, 1997, Chichester, UK, 97 - 107
Barge-Schaapveld, D.Q.; Berkhof, J.; DeVries, M.W.; Nicolson, N.A. Quality of Life in Depression: Daily Life Determinants and Variability.
Psychiatry Research, 1999, Vol. 88, 173 - 189
Ryman, D.H.; Biersner, R.J.; LaRocco, J.M. Reliabilities and Validities of the Mood Questionnaire.
Psychological Reports, 1974, Vol. 35, 479 - 484
Schwarz, D.; Strian, F. Psychometrische Untersuchungen zur Befindlichkeit psychiatrischer und intern-medizinischer Patienten. (Psychometric investigations on well-being in psychiatric and medical patients).
Archiv für Psychiatric und Nervenkrankheiten, 1972, Vol. 216, 70 - 81
Warr, P.; Payne, R.L. Experiences of Strain and Pleasure among British Adults.
Social Science and Medicine, 1982, Vol.16, 1691 - 1697
VonZerssen, D.; Koeller, D.M.; Rey, E.R. Die Befindlichkeits-Skala (B-S)- ein Einfaches Instrument zur Objektivierung von Befindlichkeitsstörungen, insbesondere im Rahmen von Längsschnittuntersuchungen. (State of Wellbeing Scale: A Panel Study).
Arzneimittel Forschung, 1970, Vol. 7, 915 - 918
Nowlis, V. Research with the Mood Adjective Check List.
Tomkins, S.;Izard, C.;Eds.: "Affect, Cognition and Personality", Springer, 1965, New York, USA, 325 - 389
Dysinger, D.W. A Study of Mood.
Psychological Records, 1937, Vol. 1, 147 - 156
Hedges, S.M.; Jandorf, L.; Stone, A.A. Meaning of Daily Mood Assessments.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1985, Vol. 48, 428 - 434