
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Measures of hedonic level » Self report on direct questions » Questions on how one generally feels

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MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Measures of hedonic level Self report on direct questions Questions on how one generally feels
Additional keywords
Questions on how one generally feels, daily mood, mood level, self report
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Robinson, M.D. The Reactive and Prospective Functions of Mood: Its Role in Linking Daily Experiences and Cognitive Well-Being.
Cognition and Emotion, 2000, Vol. 14, 145 - 176
Tellegen, A. Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire.
Unpublished Paper, 1982, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Cason, H. General Curves and Conditions of Feeling.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 1931, Vol. 15, 126 - 148
DeSonneville, L.M.; Elshout, J.J.; Schaap, T. Ontwikkeling en Validatie van de Amsterdamse Stemmingslijst. (Development and Evaluation of the Voting List of Amsterdam).
Gedrag, 1985, Vol. 13, 13 - 29
Springer, N.N.; Roslow, S. A Study in the Estimation of Feelings.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 1935, Vol. 19, 379 - 384
VanVaalen, M. Geluk op School. (Happiness at School).
Master Thesis, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2010, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Lang, S. Kindersurvey 1980. Tabellenband und Dokumentation. (Child Survey 1980. Tables and Documentation).
Paper Sonderforschungsbereich 3, Mikroanalytische Grundlagen der Gesellschaftspolitik, 1980, J.W. Goethe -Universtät Mannheim, Germany
Kainulainen, S.; Saari, J.; Veenhoven, R. Life-Satisfaction is More a Matter of Feeling Well Than Having What You Want. Tests of Veenhoven's Theory
International Journal of Happiness and Development, 2018, Vol. 4, 209 - 235