
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Measurability of happiness » Validity of happiness measurements

Classification path
MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Measurability of happiness Validity of happiness measurements
Additional keywords
Validity of happiness measurements, bias, believability, credibility, soundness, trustworthy
Related bibliographic subjects
Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Bless, H.; Schwarz, N. Ist Schlechte Stimmung die Ausnahme? Eine Meta-analyse von Stimmungsuntersuchungen. (Is a Bad Mood the Exception? A Meta-analysis of Mood Investigations.)
Paper, University Heidelberg, 1984, Germany
Bonsel, G.J. Kwaliteit van Leven Meting en Medical Technology Assessment. (Quality of Life and Medical Technology Assessment).
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Psychologie, 1991, Vol. 46, 180 - 186
Brandstätter, H.; Barthel, E.; Fünfgelt, V. Beruf `Hausfrau`. Eine psychologische Studie mit dem Zeitstichproben-Tagebuch. (Occupation `Housewife`. A Psychological Study using Time Sampling Diary).
Blum, R., Steiner, M. (Eds).: "Aktuelle Probleme der Markwirtschaft in gesamt- und einzelwirtschaftlicher Sicht", Duncker & Humboldt, 1984, Berlin, Germany, 407 -431
Eckersley, R. The State and Fate of Nations: Implications of Subjective Measures of Personal and Social Quality of Life.
Social Indicators Research, 2000, Vol. 52, 3 - 27
Biswas-Diener, R.; Diener, E. Making the Best of Bad Situation: Satisfaction in de Slums of Calcutta
Social Indicators Research, 2001, Vol. 55, 329 - 352
Mellor, D.J.; Cummins, R.A.; Loquet, C. The Gold Standard for Life Satisfaction: Confirmation and Elaboration Using an Imaginary Scale and Qualitative Interview.
International Journal of Social Research, 1999, Vol. 2, 263 - 278
Sandvik, E.; Diener, E.; Seidlitz, L. Subjective Well-Being: The Convergence and Stability of Self-Report and Non-Self-Reported Measures.
Journal of Personality, 1993, Vol. 61, 317 - 342
Pavot, W.; Diener, E. Review of the Satisfaction with Life Scale.
Psychological Assessment, 1993, Vol. 5, 164 - 172
Matlin, M.W.; Gawron, V.J. Individual Differences in Pollyannaism.
Journal of Personality Assessment. 1979, Vol. 43, 411 - 412
Mayring, P. Die Erfassung subjektiven Wohlbefindens. (The Measurement of Subjective Well-Being).
Abele, A.;Becker, P.;Eds.: "Wohlbefinden: Theorie, Empiric, Diagnostik", Juventa Verlag, 1991, München, Germany, 51 - 70