
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Measurability of happiness » Reliability of happiness measurements » Correction of bias

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MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Measurability of happiness Reliability of happiness measurements Correction of bias
Additional keywords
Correction of bias, control, rectification
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Zhang, Y.; Palma, M. A.; Xu, Z.P. Misclassification Errors of Subjective Well-being: A New Approach to Mapping Happiness
Conference Paper, 2017 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Chicago,United States of America
Stevenson, B.; Wolfers, J. Happiness Inequality in the United States.
Discussion Paper, No. 6929, Centre for Economic Policy research (CEPR), 2008, UK
Scherpenzeel, A.C. Satisfaction in the Netherlands.
Saris, W.E.;et al;Eds.: "A Comparative Study of Satisfaction with Life in Europe", Eötvös University Press,1996, Hungary, 79 - 97
Saris, W.E.; Scherpenzeel, A.C. Methodological Procedures for Comparative Research.
Saris, W.E.;et al;Eds.:"A Comparative Study of Satisfaction with Life in Europe", Eötvös University Press,1996, Hungary, 49 - 76
Saris, W.E.; Bunting, B.; Scherpenzeel, A.C.; Veenhoven, R. A Comparative Study of Satisfaction with Life in Europe.
Eötvös University Press, 1996, Budapest, Hungary
Maggino, F. Method Effect in the Measurement of Subjective Dimensions.
DDSS Working Paper, 2003, No. 82, Firenze, Italy
Fors, F.; Kulik, J.C. Bringing Affect Back in: Measuring and Comparing Subjective Well-Being Across Countries.
Social Indicators Research, 2016, Vol.127, 323 - 339
Easterlin, R.A. Paradox Lost?
IZA DP,2016, No. 9676, 1 - 36, California, USA
Capecchi, S. Measuring Indecision in Happiness Studies
Brulé, G. and Maggino, F. (Eds.):"Metrics of Subjective Well-Being: Limits and Improvements" 2017, Springer International publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland
Bouare, O. Comparing Countries’ Life Satisfaction and Their Level Curve of Life Satisfaction over Time: An Analytical Framework
Psychology, 2017, Vol. 8, 2346-2376