
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Correspondence of happiness ratings » Intercorrelations between happiness indicators

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MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Correspondence of happiness ratings Intercorrelations between happiness indicators
Additional keywords
Intercorrelations between happiness indicators, association, statistical relation
Related bibliographic subjects
Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Andrews, F.M.; Inglehart, R. The Structure of Subjective Well-Being in Nine Western Societies.
Social Indicators Research, 1979, Vol. 6, 73 - 90
Andrews, F.M.; Withey, S.B. Social Indicators of Well-Being. Americans Perceptions of Life Quality.
Plenum Press, 1976, New York, USA
Carp, F.M.; Carp, A. Structural Stability of Well-Being Factors across Age and Gender and Development of Scales of Well-Being Unbiased for Age and Gender.
Journal of Gerontology, 1983, Vol. 38, 572 - 581
Pavot, W.; Diener, E.; Randall-Colvin, C.R.; Sandvik, E. Further Validation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale: Evidence for the Cross-Method Convergence of Well-Being Measures.
Journal of Personality Assessment, 1991, Vol. 57, 149 - 161
Diener, E. Assessing Subjective Well-Being: Progress and Opportunities.
Social Indicators Research, 1994, Vol. 31, 103 - 157
VanSchuur, W.H.; Kruijtbosch, M. Measuring Subjective Well-Being: Unfolding the Bradburn Affect Balance Scale.
Social Indicators Research, 1995, Vol. 36, 49 - 74
Hoff, S.J. And They Lived Happily Ever After.
Dissertation, Free University Amsterdam, 1995, Netherlands
Sandvik, E.; Diener, E.; Seidlitz, L. Subjective Well-Being: The Convergence and Stability of Self-Report and Non-Self-Reported Measures.
Journal of Personality, 1993, Vol. 61, 317 - 342
Frisch, M.B.; Cornell, J.; Retzlaff, P.J.; Villanueva, M. Clinical Validation of the Quality of Life Inventory: A Measure of Life Satisfaction for Use in Treatment Planning and Outcome Assessment.
Psychological Assessment, 1992, Vol. 4, 92 - 101
Westerhof, G.J.; Dittmann-Kohli, F.; Thissen, T. Beyond life satisfaction: Lay conceptions of well-being among middle-aged and elderly adults.
Social Indicators Research, 2001, Vol. 56, 179 - 203