Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Correspondence of happiness ratings
- Classification path
MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Correspondence of happiness ratings - Additional keywords
- Correspondence of happiness ratings, equivalence, similarity, association, correlation
- Related bibliographic subjects
- None
- Related correlational subjects
Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive
- No empirical study reported
- 0
- No valid measure of happiness used
- 0
- Eligible but not yet entered
- 11
- Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)
- 1
List of Publications on this Subject
Social Indicators Research, 2010, Vol. 98, 73 - 88
World Database of Happiness, Collection of Correlational Findings, Finding report H6, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Printout 2009,
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3354, Institute of the Study of Labor, 2008, Bonn, Germany
Social Indicators Research, 2006, Vol. 79, 97 - 115
Genetic, Social, and General Monographs, 1998, Vol. 124, 355 - 374
Social Indicators Research, 1995, Vol. 34, 315 - 323
School Psychology International, 1993, Vol. 14, 291 - 296
International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1981/82, Vol. 14, 55 - 65
Paper Institut für Demoskopie, 1980, Allensbach, Germany
Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 1979, Vol. 10, 253 - 261