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Bibliographic Subjects » DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS » Striking the balance of life » The mental calculus: How do we assess how happy we are?

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DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS Striking the balance of life The mental calculus: How do we assess how happy we are?
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The mental calculus: How do we assess how happy we are?, appraisal, evaluation, calculation
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Andrews, F.M. Subjective Social Indicators and Objective Social Indicators and Social Accounting Systems.
Juster, F.T.;Land, K.C.,Eds.: "Social Accounting Systems", Academic Press, 1981, London, UK, 377 - 419
Burt, R.S.; Christman, K.P.; Fisher, M.G. Structures of Well-Being: Sufficient Conditions for Identification as Restricted Covariance Models.
Sociological Methods and Research, 1979, Vol. 8, 111 -120
Heinonen, H.; Aalto, A.M.; Aro, A.R.; Uutela, A. Is the Evaluation of the Global Quality of Life Determined by Emotional Status?
Quality of Life Research, 2004, Vol.13, 1347 - 1356
Diener, E.; Larsen, R.J. The Experience of Emotional Well-Being.
Lewis, M., Haviland, J.M. (Eds).: "Handbook of Emotions", Guilford, 1993, New York, USA, 405 - 415
Robinson, M.D. The Reactive and Prospective Functions of Mood: Its Role in Linking Daily Experiences and Cognitive Well-Being.
Cognition and Emotion, 2000, Vol. 14, 145 - 176
Oishi, S.; Diener, E. Re-Examining the General Positivity Model of Subjective Well-Being: The Discrepancy between Specific and Global Domain Satisfaction.
Journal of Personality, 2001, Vol. 69, 641 - 666
Hsieh, C.M. Counting Importance: The Case of Life Satisfaction and Relative Domain Importance.
Social Indicators Research, 2003, Vol. 61, 227 - 240
Lance, C.E.; Mallard, A.G.; Michalos, A.C. Tests of the Causal Directions of Global-Life Facet Satisfaction Relationships.
Social Indicators Research, 1995, Vol. 34, 69 - 92
Veenhoven, R. Developments in Satisfaction Research.
Social Indicators Research, 1996, Vol. 37, 1 - 46
McNaughton, R. A Metrical Concept of Happiness.
Philosophy and Phenomenology Research, 1953, Vol. 14, 172 - 183