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Bibliographic Subjects » DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS » Striking the balance of life » Factors affecting the overall evaluation

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DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS Striking the balance of life Factors affecting the overall evaluation
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Factors affecting the overall evaluation, determinants
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Strack, F.; Gschneidinger, E.; Schwarz, N. Happiness and Reminiscing: The Role of Time Perspective, Affect, and Mode of Thinking.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1985, Vol. 49, 1460 -1469
Hagedorn, J.W. Happiness and Self-Deception: An Old Question Examined by a New Measure of Subjective Well-Being.
Social Indicators Research, 1996, Vol. 38, 139 - 160
Parrot, W.G. Beyond Hedonism: Motives for Inhibiting Good Moods and for Maintaining Bad Moods.
Wegner, D.M.;Pennebaker, J.W.;Eds.: "Handbook of Mental Control", Prentice Hall, 1993, USA, 278 - 305
Grom, B. Glück, Lebenszufriedenheit und Sinn, Erfahrungswissenschaftlich Betrachtet. (Happiness, Satisfaction and Meaning: Empirical Approach).
Grom, B.;et al.Eds.:"Glück. Auf der Suche nach dem Guten Leben", Ullstein Verlag, 1987, Frankfurt, Germany, 13 - 190
Gutek, B.A.; Allen, H.; Lau, R.R.; Majchrzak, A.; Tyler, T.R. The Importance of Internal Referents as Determinants of Satisfaction.
Journal of Community Psychology, 1983, Vol. 11, 111 - 120
Kommer, D.; Bechtel, G.; Schwarz, N.; Strack, F. Stimmung und soziale Informationsverarbeitung bei depressiven Störungen. (Mood and Social Information Processing in Depression).
Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, Psychopathologie und Psychotherapie, 1986, Vol. 34, 127 - 139
Pavot, W.; Diener, E. The Affective and Cognitive Context of Self-Reported Measures of Subjective Well-Being.
Social Indicators Research, 1993, Vol. 28, 1 - 20
Wagner, D.; Schwarz, N.; Strack, F. Das Leid des Einen ist das Glück des Anderen: Soziale Vergleiche und Selbstdarstellung bei der Beurteilung des eigenen Wohlbefindens. (Social Comparison and Self presentation in Judgments of Own Well-Being.)
Paper University of Heidelberg, 1984, Germany
Dermer, M.; Anderson, E.A.; Cohen, S.J.; Jacobson, E. Evaluative Judgements of Aspects of Life as a Function of Vicarious Exposure to Hedonic Extremes.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1979, Vol. 37, 247 - 260
Giovacchini, P.L. Compulsory Happiness. Adolescent Despair.
Archives of General Psychiatry, 1968, Vol. 18, 650 - 657