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Bibliographic Subjects » DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS » Promotive conditions » Difference in conditions for happiness » Difference in determinants of affective and cognitive components of happiness

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DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS Promotive conditions Difference in conditions for happiness Difference in determinants of affective and cognitive components of happiness
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Difference in determinants of affective and cognitive components of happiness, need-want difference
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Kahneman, D.; Deaton, A. High Income Improves Evaluation of Life but not Emotional Well-Being.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010, Vol. 107, 16489 - 16493
Graham, C.; Nikolova, M. Does Access to Information Technology make People Happier? Insights from Well-Being Surveys from Around the World
Journal of Socio Economics, 2013, Vol 44, 126 -139
Luhmann, M.; Eid, M.; Lucas, R.E. Subjective Well-Being and Adaptation to Life Events: A Meta-Analysis.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2012, Vol. 102, 592 - 615
Flores, G.; Ingenhaag, M.; Maurer, J. Healthy, Wealthy, Wise, and Happy? An Exploratory Analysis of the Interplay between Aging and Subjective Well-being in Low and Middle Income Countries.
DEEP Paper, 2013, Nr 13.13, Lausanne, France
Graham, C.; Nikolova, M. Happy Peasants and Frustrated Achievers? Agency, Capabilities, and Subjective Well-Being.
HCEO Working Paper No. 013, 2013, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Sirgy, M.J. Effects of Affect and Cognition on Subjective QOL.
The Psychology of Quality of Life: Hedonic Well-Being, Life Satisfaction, and Eudaimonia, 2012, Chapter 10, 155 - 164
Tsai, J.L.; Fung, H.H.; Knutson, B. Cultural Variation in Affect Valuation.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2006, Vol. 90, 288 - 307
Luhmann, M.; Cacioppo, J.T.; Hawkley, L.C. Thinking about One's Subjective Well-Being: Average Trends and Individual Differences.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2014, Vol. 15, 757 - 781
Kuppens, P.; Diener, E.; Kim-Prieto, C. Universal Intracultural and Intercultural Dimensions of the Recalled Frequency of Emotional Experience.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2006, Vol. 37, 491 - 515
Yamamura, E. The Effects of Information Asymmetry and Government Size on Happiness: A Case Study from Japan.
The IUP Journal of Governance and Public Policy, 2012, Vol.7, 7 - 20