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Bibliographic Subjects » DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS » Promotive conditions » Difference in conditions for happiness » Difference between macro and micro level determinants » Difference across nations

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DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS Promotive conditions Difference in conditions for happiness Difference between macro and micro level determinants Difference across nations
Additional keywords
Difference across nations, cross-national, cross-cultural, macro level
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Csikszentmihalyi, M.; Wong, M.M. The Situational and Personal Correlates of Happiness: A Cross Cultural Comparison.
Strack, F. et al. (Eds).: "Subjective Well-Being", Pergamon, 1991, Oxford, USA, 193 - 212
Dumludag, D Consumption and Life Satisfaction at Different Levels of economic development
International Review of Economics, 2015, Vol. 62, 163 - 182
Joshanloo, M.; Weijers, D. Does Thinking about the Meaning of Life Make you Satisfied with Life in a Religious and Globalised World? A 75-Nation Study.
Journal of Psychology in Africa, 2015, 1 - 30
Lavric, M.; Flere, S. The Role of Culture in the Relationship Between Religiosity and Psychological Well-being.
Journal of Religion and Health, 2008, Vol. 47, 164 - 175
Arrosa, M.L.; Gandelman, N. Happiness Decomposition: Female Optimism.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2016, Vol. 17, 731 - 756
VanHoorn, A.A. Reliability and Validity of the Happiness Approach to Measuring Preferences.
SOM Research Paper, 2016, No. 16008,1 - 50
Chan, D., D.; Hamamura, T., T.; Man Wai Li, L. Is trusting others related to better health? An investigation of older adults across six non-western countries
Journal of cross-cultural psychology, 2017, vol.48(8) 1288-1301
Veenhoven, R. Happiness. Lessons of Empirical Research.
José de Jesús García Vega (Editor) Felicidad Y calidad de vida, Coyoacán, Cuidad de México, Editora Nomada, 2017
Schalembier, B. An Evaluation of Common Explanations for the Impact of Income Inequality on Life Satisfaction
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2019, Vol20, 777-794
Schneider, S.M. Why Income Inequality Is Dissatisfying Perceptions of Social Status and the Inequality-Satisfaction ink in Europe
European Sociological Review, 2019, Vol. , 1-22