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Bibliographic Subjects » DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS » Overview of explanations

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DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS Overview of explanations
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Overview of explanations, causal mechanisms, theory
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Becker, P. Theoretische Grundlagen. (Theoretical Basis.)
Abele, A., Becker, P. (Eds).: "Wohlbefinden: Theorie, Empirie, Diagnostik", Juventa Verlag, 1991, München, Germany, 13 - 49
Bell, B.D. Cognitive Dissonance and the Life Satisfaction of Older Adults.
Journal of Gerontology, 1974, Vol. 29, 564 - 571
Bell, B.D. The Limitations of Crisis Theory as an Explanatory Mechanism in Social Gerontology.
International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1975, Vol. 6, 153 - 168
Brandstätter, H. Alltagsereignisse und Wohlbefinden. (Daily Events and Well-being.)
Abele, A.;Decker, P.(Eds).: "Wohlbefinden: Theorie, Empirie, Diagnostik", Juventa Verlag, 1991, München, Germany, 191 - 225
Bränholm, I.B. On Life Satisfaction, Occupational Roles, and Activity Preferences.
Dissertation, University of Umea, Sweden, 1992, Umea dissertation series nr 329
Brophy, A.L. Self, Role and Satisfaction.
Genetic Psychology Monographs, 1959, Vol. 59, 263 - 308
Granzin, K.L.; Haggard, L.M. An Integrative Explanation for Quality of Life: Development and Test of a Structural Model.
Diener, E.;Rathz, D.R.;Eds.: "Advances in Quality of Life Theory and Research", Kluwer, 2000, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 31 - 64
Schyns, P. The Relationship between Income, Changes in Income and Life-Satisfaction in West Germany and the Russian Federation. Relative, Absolute or a Combination of Both?
Diener, E.;Rathz, D.R.;Eds.: "Advances in Quality of Life Theory and Research", Kluwer, 2000, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 83 - 110
Vowinckel, G. "Ein unstillbarer Durst ist ein immerwährendes Strafgericht". Emile Durkheims soziologische Moralpolitik. (Unsatiable Thirst is an Eternal Punishment. The Sociological Moralism of Emile Durkheim).
Bellebaum, A.; Barheier, K.;Eds.: "Glücksvorstellungen", Westdeutscher Verlag, 1997, Opladen, Germany, 56 - 74
Konow, J.; Early, J. The Hedonic Paradox: Is Homo-Economics Happier?
Paper, Loyola-Marimount University, 1999, Los Angeles, California, USA