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DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS Further issues How universal is happiness?
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How universal is happiness?, cultural difference, culturally relative
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Agrawal, S.; Harter, J.K. Wellbeing Meta-analysis: a worldwide Study of the Relationship between the five Elements of Wellbeing and Life Evaluation, daily Experiences , Health, and Giving.
The Gallup Organization, 2011, USA
Alem, Y.; Köhlin, G. Life Satisfaction in Urban Ethiopia: Trends and determinants.
WORKING PAPERS IN ECONOMICS, 2012, No. 548, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Hill, S.E.; Delpriore, D. J.; Major, B. An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective on Happiness.
David, S. A.; Boniwell, I.; Ayers, A. C.; Eds: "The Oxford Handbook of Happiness", Oxford University Press, 2013, Oxford, UK, 875 - 886
Ng, Y.K. Happiness Is Absolute, Universal, Ultimate, Unidimensional, Cardinally Measurable and Interpersonally Comparable: Basis for the Environmentally Responsible Happy Nation Index.
Monash University, Discussion Paper 16/11, 2011, Malaysia
Ng, Y.K. Some Conceptual and Methodological Issues on Happiness: Lessons from Evolutionary Biology.
Nanyang Technological University, EGC Report No: 2013/8, Singapore
Novin, S.; Konrath, S.H.; Tso, I. F. Self-Related and Other-Related Pathways to Subjective Well-Being in Japan and the United States.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2014, Vol. 15, 995 - 1014
Romney, A.K.; Moore, C.C.; Rusch, C.D. Cultural Universals: Measuring the Semantic Structure of Emotion Terms in English and Japanese.
PNAS, 1997, Vol. 94, 5489 - 5494
Veenhoven, R. How Universal is Happiness?
Diener, E.;Helliwell, J.F.;Kahneman, D.;Eds.: ''International Differences in Well-Being'', Oxford University Press, 2010, New York, USA, Chapter 11
Veenhoven, R. Does Happiness Differ Across Cultures?
Selin, H.;Davey, G.;Eds.: ''Happiness Across Cultures, Sciences Across Cultures;The History of Non-Western Science 6'', Springer, 2012, New York, USA, 451 - 472
Venkatraman, M.M. A Cross-Cultural Study of the Subjective Well-Being of Married Elderly Persons in the United States and India.
Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 1995, Vol 50b, s35 - s44