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Bibliographic Subjects » DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS » Determinants of contentment » Which standards of comparison?

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DETERMINANTS OF HAPPINESS Determinants of contentment Which standards of comparison?
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Which standards of comparison?, benchmark, criterion, norm, reference
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Fooken, I. Biographische Faktoren des Alterserlebens lediger und langjährig verwitweter Frauen. (Life course Variables in Old Age of Single and Widowed Women).
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie, 1980, Vol. 13, 475 - 490
Fox, C.R. Correlations, Causes and Heuristics in Surveys of Life Satisfaction.
Social Indicators Research, 1992, Vol. 27, 221 - 234
Gutek, B.A.; Allen, H.; Lau, R.R.; Majchrzak, A.; Tyler, T.R. The Importance of Internal Referents as Determinants of Satisfaction.
Journal of Community Psychology, 1983, Vol. 11, 111 - 120
Mastekaasa, A. Relative Deprivation in Social Networks.
Paper, Institute of Social Research, 1986, Oslo, Norway
Michalos, A.C. Satisfaction and Happiness.
Social Indicators Research, 1980, Vol. 8, 385 - 422
Michalos, A.C. Satisfaction and Happiness in a Rural Northern Resource Community.
Social Indicators Research, 1983, Vol. 13, 225 - 252
Montgomery, H. Cognitive and Affective Aspects of Life Values as Determinants of Well-Being.
Göteborg Psychological Reports, 1984, Vol. 14, 1 - 22, Göteborg University, Sweden
Pommer, E.J.; VanPraag, C.S. Satisfactie en Leefsituatie. (Satisfaction and Living Conditions).
SCP Cahier 13, Social and Cultural Planning Office, 1978, The Hague, Netherlands
Schwarz, N.; Strack, F. Cognitive and Affective Processes in Judgements of Subjective Well-Being: a Preliminary Model.
Proceedings 10th International Association for Research and Economic Psychology, IAREP Colloquium, 1985, Linz, Austria
Smith, R.H.; Diener, E.; Wedell, D.H. Intrapersonal and Social Comparison Determinants of Happiness: A Range-Frequency Analysis.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1989, Vol. 56, 317 - 325