
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Societal context: » Regional setting » Economy in the region » Income difference in region

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Societal context: Regional setting Economy in the region Income difference in region
Additional keywords
Income difference in region, dispersion, inequality
Related bibliographic subjects
Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Oshio, T.; Kobayashi, M. Area-Level Income Inequality and Individual Happiness: Evidence from Japan.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2011, Vol. 12, 633 - 649
Clark, A.E.; D'Ambrosio, C. Attitudes to Income Inequality: Experimental and Survey Evidence.
IZA DP, 2014, No 8136, Bonn, Germany
Hinks, T. Fractionalization and Well-Being: Evidence from a New South African Data Set.
Economic Papers, 2012, Vol. 46, 253 - 271
Schröder, M. How Income Inequality Influences Life Satisfaction: Hybrid Effects Evidence from the German SOEP.
European Sociological Review, 2016, 1 - 14
Wu, X.; li, J. Economic Growth, Income Inequality and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from China.
PSC Research Reports, 2013, No. 13-796, 1 - 29
Hänsel, C. Der Einfluss der Interregionalen Ungleichheit auf die Lebenszufriedenheit - Eine Empirische Analyse.
Technische Universiteat Dresden, 2015, Dissertation, 1 - 238
Ahn, H.; Roll, S.J.; Zeng, W. Impact of Income Inequality on Workers' Life Satisfaction in the U.S.: A Multilevel Analysis.
Social Indicators Research, 2016, Vol. 128, 1347 - 1363
Pontarollo, N.; Bravo, M.O.; Sarmiento, J.S. The Determinants of Subjective Wellbeing in A Developing Country: The Ecuadorian Case.
JCR Report, 2018, Nr. 109319, European Commission, Luxembourg
Ifcher, J.; Graham, C.; Zarghamee, H. Income Inequality and Well-Being in the U.S.: Evidence of Geographic-Scale- and Measure-Dependence
The Journal of Economic Inequality, 2019, online, 1 - 20
Cai, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhao, L. Psychological Mechanisms Linking County-Level Income Inequality to Happiness in China
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, Vol. 15, 1 - 32