
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Societal context: » Neighborhood correlates of happiness

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Societal context: Neighborhood correlates of happiness
Additional keywords
Neighborhood correlates of happiness, area, block, parish, street, zone
Related bibliographic subjects
Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Angrist, S.S. Dimensions of Well-Being in Public Housing Families.
Environment and Behavior, 1974, Vol. 6, 495 - 516
Lohmann, N. Service Providers and the Concept of Life Satisfaction.
Journal of Applied Gerontology, 1989, Vol. 8, 8 - 17
Martin, W.C. Activity and Disengagement: Life Satisfaction of In-Movers into a Retirement Community.
Gerontologist, 1973, Vol. 13, 224 - 227
Mathieu, J.T. Life Satisfaction - Comparative Analysis.
Gerontologist, 1973, Vol. 13, 84
Messer, M. The Possibility of an Age-Concentrated Environment Becoming a Normative System.
Gerontologist, 1967, Vol. 7, 247 - 251
Nash, P.M. Social Adjustment to Housing for the Elderly: A Panel Study.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Columbia, 1974, USA
Palisi, B.J.; Ransford, H.E. Effects of Urbanism, Race and Class on Happiness and Physical Health.
Sociological Spectrum, 1987, Vol. 7, 271 - 295
Peil, M. African Urban Life: Components of Satisfaction in Sierra Leone.
Social Indicators Research, 1984, Vol. 14, 363 - 384
Hinrichsen, G.A. The Impact of Age-Concentrated, Publicly assisted Housing on Older People's Social and Emotional Well-Being.
Journal of Gerontology, 1985, Vol. 40, 758 - 760
Homel, R.; Burns, A. Environmental Quality and the Well-Being of Children.
Social Indicators Research, 1989, Vol. 21, 133 - 158