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Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Societal context: » National setting » Nation characteristics » Government in nation » Size of government in nation

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Societal context: National setting Nation characteristics Government in nation Size of government in nation
Additional keywords
Size of government in nation, administration, big government,
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Bjornskov, C. Life Satisfaction: Is There a Role for Policy?
Policy Paper No. VI/2005, European Enterprise Institute, 2005, Brussels, Belgium
Bjornskov, C.; Dreher, A.; Fischer, J.A. The Bigger the Better? Evidence of the Effect of Government Size on Life Satisfaction around the World.
Public Choice, 2007, Vol. 130, 267 - 292
Hessami, Z. The Size and Composition of Government Spending in Europe and its Impact of Well-Being.
Kyklos, 2010, Vol. 63, 346 - 382
Ott, J.C. Good Governance and Happiness in Nations: Technical Quality Precedes Democracy and Quality Beats Size.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2010, Vol. 11, 353 - 368
Ott, J.C. Government and Happiness in 130 Nations: Good Governance Fosters Higher Level and More Equality of Happiness.
Social Indicators Research, 2011, Vol. 102, 3 - 22
Flavin, P.; Pacek, A.; Radcliff, B.F. State Intervention and Subjective Well-Being in Advanced Industrial Democracies.
Politics and Policy, 2011, Vol. 39, 251 - 269
Radcliff, B.F. The Political Economy of Human Happiness. How Voters' Choices Determine the Quality of Life.
Cambridge University Press, 2013, New York, USA
Kim, S.; Kim, D. Does Government Make People Happy?: Exploring New Research Directions for Government’s Roles in Happiness.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2012, Vol. 13, 875 - 899
Oishi, S.; Diener, E.; Schimmack, U. Progressive Taxation and the Subjective Well-Being of Nations.
Psychological Science, 2012, Vol. 23, 86 - 92
Helliwell, J.F.; Grover, S.C.; Huang, H.; Wang, S. Good Governance and National Well-Being: What are the Linkages?
Paper presented at Conference ''Wellbeing and Public Policy, 12 - 14 June 2014, Hamilton College, New York, USA