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Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Societal context: » National setting » Nation characteristics » Government in nation

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Societal context: National setting Nation characteristics Government in nation
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Government in nation,
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Samanni, M.; Holmberg, S. Quality of Government Makes People Happy.
QoG Working Paper Serie 2010:1, The Quality of Government Institute, Department of Political Science, University of Göteborg, 2010, Sweden
Frey, B.S. Happiness. A Revolution in Economics.
Munich Lectures in Economics, MIT Press, 2008, Cambridge, USA
Frey, B.S.; Gallus, J. Subjective Well-Being and Policy.
Topoi, 2013, Vol. 32, 207 - 212
Debnath, R. M.; Shankar, R. Does Good Governance Enhance Happiness: A Cross Nation Study.
Social Indicators Research, 2014, Vol. 116, 235 - 253
Frey, B.S.; Kucher, M.; Stutzer, A. Outcome, Process and Power in Direct Democracy: New Econometric Results.
Public Choice, 2001, Vol. 107, 271 - 293
Fereidouni, H.G.; Amiri, R.E.; Najdi, Y. Do Governance Factors Matter for Happiness in the MENA region?
International Journal of Social Economics, 2013, Vol. 40, 1028 - 1040
Baltowski, M.; Kozarzewski, P. The Impact of the State on the Quality of an Economic System: A Cross-country Analysis
Conference Paper, 2018, EACES Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 6-8 September
Helliwell, J.F.; Gyarmati, D.; Joyce, C. Building an Epidemiology of Happiness
Working Paper, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020, Nr. 28095
Berggren, N.; Bjørnskov, C. Institutions and Life satisfaction
Zimmermann K.F.,(Ed.): "Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics", 2020, Springer, Cham, UNU-MERIT & Princeton University Maastricht The Netherlands, 1-48
Alkire, S. Well-Being, Happiness, and Public Policy
PhD Dissertation, 2015, The Centre for Bhutan Studies & GNH Research, The Centre for Bhutan Studies & GNH Research, Thimphu, Bhutan