
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Individual circumstances » Social status of more and less happy people » Education

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Individual circumstances Social status of more and less happy people Education
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Education , school, learning
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Gatz, M.J.; Barbarin, O.A.; Mitchell, R.E.; Moran, J.A.; Tyler, F.B. Enhancement of Individual and Community Competence: The Older Adult as Community Worker.
American Journal of Community Psychology, 1982, Vol.10, 291 - 303
Gelso, C.J.; Bodden, J.L.; Osterhouse, R. Nonintellective Factors in Improvement During an Educational Skills Course.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1971, Vol. 18, 503 - 504
Glenn, N.D.; Weaver, C.N. Education's Effects on Psychological Well-Being.
Public Opinion Quarterly, 1981, Vol. 45, 22 - 39
Grom, B. Glück, Lebenszufriedenheit und Sinn, Erfahrungswissenschaftlich Betrachtet. (Happiness, Satisfaction and Meaning: Empirical Approach).
Grom, B.;et al.Eds.:"Glück. Auf der Suche nach dem Guten Leben", Ullstein Verlag, 1987, Frankfurt, Germany, 13 - 190
Harding, S.D. Values and the Nature of Psychological Well-Being.
Abrams, M.;Gerard, D.;Timms, N.,Eds.: "Values and Social Change in Britain", McMillan, 1985, London, UK, 227 - 252
Hearn, J.C. Major Choice and the Well-Being of College Men and Women: An Examination from Developmental, Organizational and Structural Perspectives.
Sociology of Education, 1980, Vol. 53, 164 - 178
Hettinger, C.C. The Impact of Reading Deficiency on the Global Self-Concept of the Adolescent.
Journal of Early Adolescence, 1982, Vol. 2, 293 - 300
Hofstätter, P.R. Bedingungen der Zufriedenheit. (Conditions for Contentment.)
Interfrom Verlag, 1986, Zürich, Switzerland
Hosen, R. Educational Intervention as a Tool for Promoting Personal Well-Being.
College Student Journal, 1985, Vol. 19, 193 - 197
Hoyt, H.P. The Recipients of the Doctorate in Adult Education Their Morale and Their Perceptions of Themselves as Opinion Leaders.
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Wyoming University, 1969, Laramie, USA