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Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Individual circumstances » Social status of more and less happy people » Age » Ageing

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Individual circumstances Social status of more and less happy people Age Ageing
Additional keywords
Ageing, grow old, mature
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Felton, B.J. Cohort Variation in Happiness: Some Hypotheses and Exploratory Analyses.
International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1987, Vol. 25, 27 - 42
Kozma, A.; Reker, G.T.; Stones, M.J. Le Bonheur au Cours de la Vie. (Happiness in the Course of Life).
Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 1997, Vol. 18, 143 -166
Brandtstädter, J.; Renner, G. Coping with Discrepancies between Aspirations and Achievements in Adult Development: A Dual Process Model.
Montada, L.;Filipp, S.H., Lerner, M.J. (Eds).: "Life Crises and Experiences of Loss in Adulthood", Lawrence Erlbaum, 1992, Hillsdale, USA, 301 - 319
Maddox, G.L. Ageing and Well-Being.
Cutler, N.E.;Gregg, D.W.;Lawton, M.P.;Eds.: "Aging, Money and Life Satisfaction", Springer, 1992, New York, USA, 53 - 67
Brugman, G. Wisdom: Source of Narrative Coherence and Eudaimonia.
Eburon, 2000, Delft, Netherlands
Meeus, W. De Psychosociale Ontwikkeling van Adolescenten. (The Psychosocial Development of Adolescents).
Meeus, W; 't Hart, H.; Eds: "Jongeren in Nederland", Academic Publisher Amersfoort, 1993, Amersfoort, Netherlands, 31 - 55
Montepare, J.M.; Lachman, M.E. "You're Only as Old as You Feel": Self-Perceptions of Age, Fears of Aging and Life Satisfaction from Adolescence to Old Age.
Psychology and Aging, 1989, Vol. 4, 73 - 78
Morgan, C.M. The Attitudes and Adjustments of Recipients of Old Age Assistance in Upstate and Metropolitan New York.
Archives of Psychology, 1937, nr. 214
Morrisson, D.E.; Kristjanson, G.A. Personal Adjustment among Older Persons. A Study of Adjustment Problems of Persons 65 and Over in a South Dakota Community.
South Dakota Experiment Station Technical, 1958, Bulletin 21, South Dakota State College, USA
Palmore, E.B. Social Patterns in Normal Aging: Findings From the Duke Longitudinal Study.
Duke University Press, 1981, Durham, USA