
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Individual circumstances » Occurrences » Life-history » Happiness and Earlier Living Conditions » Conditions in childhood » Intimate environment in childhood

Classification path
CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Individual circumstances Occurrences Life-history Happiness and Earlier Living Conditions Conditions in childhood Intimate environment in childhood
Additional keywords
Intimate environment in childhood, family, friends
Related bibliographic subjects
Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Amato, P.R.; Keith, B. Parental Divorce and Adult Well-Being: A Meta-Analysis.
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1991, Vol. 53, 43 - 58
Polit, D.F.; Falbo, T. Only Children and Personality: A Quantitative Review.
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1987, Vol. 49, 309 -325
Polit, D.F.; Nuttall, E.V.; Nuttall, R.L. The Only Child Grows Up: A Look at Some Characteristics of Adults Only Children.
Family Relations, 1980, Vol. 29, 99 - 106
Heeren, S.D. Entrepreneurial vs. Bureaucratic Fathers as Related to Family Structure, Happiness, and Two Measures of Independence.
Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of Kansas, 1969, USA
Furnham, A.; Cheng, H. Perceived Parental Behaviour, Self-Esteem and Happiness.
Social Psychiatry & Epidemiology, 2000, Vol. 35, 463 - 470
Amato, P.R.; Sobolewski, J.M. The Effects of Divorce and Marital Discord on Adult Children's Psychological Well-Being.
American Sociological Review, 2001, Vol. 66, 900 - 921
Gohm, C.L.; Darlington, J.; Diener, E.; Oishi, S. Culture, Parental Conflict, Parental Marital Status, and the Subjective Well-Being of Young Adults.
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1998, Vol. 60, 319 -334
Tyerman, M.J. A Research into Truancy.
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 1958, Vol. 28, 217 - 225
Willits, F.K. Adolescent Behavior and Adult Success and Well-Being.
Youth and Society, 1988, Vol. 20, 68 - 87
Wilson, K.L.; Curtis, R.L.; McAdams, D.C.; Zurcher, L.A. Stepfathers and Stepchildren: An Exploratory Analysis from Two National Surveys.
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1975, Vol. 37, 526 -536