
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Individual circumstances » Intimate environment » Happiness and Marriage » Happiness and kind of marriage » Characteristics of the spouse

Classification path
CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Individual circumstances Intimate environment Happiness and Marriage Happiness and kind of marriage Characteristics of the spouse
Additional keywords
Characteristics of the spouse, husband, wife, mate, partner
Related bibliographic subjects
Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Anderson, S.A.; Atilano, R.B.; Jurich, A.P.; Paff-Bergen, L.; Russell, C.S. Dropping out of Marriage and Family Therapy: Interventions, Strategies and Spouses' Perceptions.
American Journal of Family Therapy, 1985, Vol. 13, 39 - 54
Beutell, N.J.; Greenhaus, J.H. Interrole Conflict among Married Woman: The Influence of Husband and Wife Characteristics on Conflict and Coping Behavior.
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1982, Vol. 21, 99 - 110
Burke, R.J. Type A Behavior of Administrators' and Spouses' Reports of Marital Satisfaction and Well-Being: Only a Partial Replication.
Psychological Reports, 1982, Vol. 50, 315 - 325
Burke, R.J. Occupational Demands on Administrators and Spouses' Satisfaction and Well-Being.
Psychological Reports, 1982, Vol. 51, 823 - 836
Burke, R.J.; DuWors, R.E.; Weir, T. Type A Behavior of Administrators and Wives' Reports of Marital Satisfaction and Well-Being.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 1979, Vol. 64, 57 - 65
Burke, R.J.; DuWors, R.E.; Weir, T. Work Demands on Administrators and Spouse Well-Being.
Human Relations, 1980, Vol. 33, 253 - 278
Lu, L.J. Gender and Conjugal Differences in Happiness.
The Journal of Social Psychology, 2000, Vol. 140, 132 - 141
Arrindell, W.A.; Luteijn, F. Similarity between Intimate Partners for Personality Traits as Related to Individual Levels of Satisfaction with Life.
Personality and Individual Differences, 2000, Vol. 28, 629 - 637
Schimmack, U.; Lockwood, P.; Pinkus, R.T. Life Satisfaction and Marriage.
Paper presented at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Progress 'Happiness and Public Policy', June 2005, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Kurdek, L.A. Relation Between Neuroticism and Dimensions of Relationship Commitment: Evidence from Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual Couples.
Journal of Family Psychology, 1997, Vol. 11, 109 - 124