
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Individual circumstances » Intimate environment » Happiness and Marriage

Classification path
CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Individual circumstances Intimate environment Happiness and Marriage
Additional keywords
Happiness and Marriage, marriage, married, partner, spouse, couple, steady
Related bibliographic subjects
Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Habich, R.; Noll, H.H. Objektive Lebensbedingungen und subjektives Wohlbefinden im vereinten Deutschland. (Objective Living Conditions and Subjective Wellbeing in United Germany).
Statistisches Bundesamt;Ed.: "Datenreport 1999I", Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2000, Bonn, Germany, 467 - 519
Mastekaasa, A. Marital Status, Distress and Well-Being: An International Comparison.
Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 1994, Vol. 25, 183 - 206
Nock, S.L. Enduring Effects of Marital Disruption and Subsequent Living Arrangements.
Journal of Family Issues, 1982, Vol. 3, 25 - 40
Pett, M.G. Predictors of Satisfactory Social Adjustment of Divorced Single Parents.
Journal of Divorce, 1982, Vol. 5, 1 - 17
Glenn, N.D. The Well-Being of Persons Remarried after Divorce.
Journal of Family Issues, 1981, Vol. 2, 61 - 75
Diener, E.; Lucas, R.E.; Smith, H.L.; Suh, E.M. Subjective Well-Being: Three Decades of Progress.
Psychological Bulletin, 1999, Vol. 125, 276 - 301
Alarcon, R. Relaciones entre Felicidad Género, Edad y Estado Conyugal. (Relationships between Happiness and Gender, Age and Marital Status).
Revista de Psicologia, 2001, Vol. 19, 28 - 46
Gundelach, P.; Kreiner, S. Happiness and Life Satisfaction in Advanced European Countries.
Cross-Cultural Research, 2004, Vol. 38, 359 - 386
Cummins, R.A.; Okerstrom, E.; Tomyn, A.; Woerner, J. Australian Unity Wellbeing Index, Survey 13, Report 13.0. The Wellbeing of Australians. Caregiving at Home. Part A and B.
Australian Center on Quality of Life, 2005, Melbourne, Australia
Cummins, R.A.; Gibson, A.; Knapp, T.; Tomyn, A. Australian Unity Wellbeing Index, Survey 14, Report 14.0. The Wellbeing of Australians. Personal Relationships.
Australian Center on Quality of Life, 2005, Melbourne, Australia