
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Individual circumstances » Intimate environment » Happiness and Household » Family household

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Individual circumstances Intimate environment Happiness and Household Family household
Additional keywords
Family household, extended family, stem family
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Mindel, C.H.; Wright, R. Differential Living Arrangements among the Elderly and their Subjective Well-Being.
Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 1983, Vol. 3, 25 - 34
Veenhoven, R.; Verkuyten, M. The Well-Being of Only Children.
Adolescence, 1989, Vol. 24, 155 - 166
Verkuyten, M.; Veenhoven, R. Welbevinden van Kinderen na Echtscheiding: Een Onderzoek onder Adolescenten. (Wellbeing of Adolescents after Parental Divorce).
Gezondheid en Samenleving, 1988, Vol. 66, 128 - 133
Verkuyten, M.; Veenhoven, R. Psychische Kosten van Werkeloosheid. Zelfwaardering en Geluk onder Adolescenten waarvan de Vader Werkeloos is. (Psychological Costs of Unemployment. Happiness and Self-Esteem among Adolescents with Unemployed Fathers).
Gezin: Tijdschrift voor Primaire Leefvormen, 1989, Vol. 1, 85 - 94
Dunkle, R.E. The Effect of Elders' Household Contributions on Their Depression.
Journal of Gerontology, 1983, Vol. 38,732 - 737
Spruijt, E. Stepfamily Lifestyles and Adolescent Well-Being in the Netherlands.
Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 1997, Vol. 26, 137 -153
Trzcinski, E.; Holst, E. Setting the Set Point. Initial Predictors of Life Satisfaction in Early Adulthood.
Discussion paper 558, DIW (German Institute for Economic Research), 2006, Berlin, Germany
Veenhoven, R. Findings on Happiness and Children 1
World Database of Happiness, Collection of Correlational Findings, Finding report C1, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Printout 2009,
Wu, C.H. Examining the Appropriateness of Importance Weighting on Satisfaction Score from Range-of-Affect Hypothesis: Hierarchical Linear Modeling for Within-Subject Data.
Social Indicators Research, 2008, Vol. 86, 101 - 111
Silverstein, M.; Cong, Z.; Li, S. Intergenerational Transfers and Living Arrangements of Older People in Rural China: Consequences for Psychological Well-Being
Journal of Gerontology: SOCIAL SCIENCES, 2006, Vol. 61, 256-266