
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Individual circumstances » Intimate environment » Happiness and Children » Contacts with children » Quality of contact with children

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Individual circumstances Intimate environment Happiness and Children Contacts with children Quality of contact with children
Additional keywords
Quality of contact with children, affection, cold, conflict
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Lee, G.R.; Ellithorpe, E. Intergenerational Exchange and Subjective Well-Being among the Elderly.
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1982, Vol. 44, 217 -224
Crnic, K.A.; Greenberg, M.T.; Ragozin, A.S.; Robinson, N.M. Maternal Stress and Social Support: Effects on the Mother-Infant Relationship from Birth to Eighteen Months.
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1984, Vol. 54, 224 - 235
Dosch, M.F. Child Abuse: A Comparison of Physical Abusers, Sexual Abusers, and Non-Abusers on Perceived Locus of Control, Self-Acceptance and Avowed Happiness.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Oregon, 1994, USA
Schaefer, E.S.; Bayley, N. Maternal Behavior, Child Behavior and Their Intercorrelation.
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Serial no. 87, 1963, Vol. 28, 3 - 127
Mallard, A.G.; Lance, C.E. Development and Evaluation of a Parent-Employee Interrole Conflict Scale.
Social Indicators Research, 1998, Vol. 45, 343 - 370
Silverberg, S.B.; Steinberg, L. Adolescent Autonomy, Parent - Adolescent Conflict, and Parental Well-Being.
Journal of Youth and Adolescent, 1987, Vol. 16, 293 - 312.
Costigan, C. L.; Koryzma, M. Acculturation and Adjustment Among Immigrant Chinese Parents: Mediating Role of Parenting Efficacy
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58 (2), 183-196
Lang, F.R.; Schutze, Y. Adult Children’s Supportive Behaviors and Older Parents’ Subjective Well-Being--A Developmental Perspective on Intergenerational Relationships.
Journal of Social Issues, 2002, Vol. 58, 661 -- 680
Fingerman, K.L.; Lefkowitz, E.S.; Pitzer, L. Ambivalent Relationship Qualities Between Adults and Their Parents: Implications for the Well-Being of Both Parties.
Journal of Gerontology: PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2008, Vol. 63, 362 - 371
Parasuraman, S.; Greenhaus, J.H.; Rabinovitz, S. Work and Family Variables as Mediators of the Relationship between Wives' Employment and Husbands' Well-Being.
The Academy of Management Journal, 1989, Vol. 32, 185 - 201