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Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Situational correlates of happiness » Individual circumstances » Intimate environment » Happiness and Children » Characteristics of children » Family situation of children

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Situational correlates of happiness Individual circumstances Intimate environment Happiness and Children Characteristics of children Family situation of children
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Family situation of children, home environment
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Armsden, G.C.; Greenberg, M.T. The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment: Individual Differences and their Relationship to Psychological Well-Being in Adolescence.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1987, Vol. 16, 427 - 454
Kellam, S.G.; Ensminger, M.E.; Turner, R.J. Family Structure and the Mental Health of Children: Concurrent and Longitudinal Community-wide Studies.
Archives of General Psychiatry, 1977, Vol. 34, 1012 - 1022
Veenhoven, R.; Verkuyten, M. The Well-Being of Only Children.
Adolescence, 1989, Vol. 24, 155 - 166
Shek, D.T. A Longitudinal Study of the Relations Between Parent-Adolescent Conflict and Adolescent Psychological Well-Being.
The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1998, Vol. 159, 53 - 67
Flouri, E.; Buchanan, A. The Role of Father Involvement and Mother Involvement in Adolescents Psychological Well-Being.
British Journal of Social Work, 2003, Vol. 33, 399 - 406
Verkuyten, M.; Veenhoven, R. Welbevinden van Kinderen na Echtscheiding: Een Onderzoek onder Adolescenten. (Wellbeing of Adolescents after Parental Divorce).
Gezondheid en Samenleving, 1988, Vol. 66, 128 - 133
Winkelmann, R. Subjective Well-Being and the Family: Results from an Ordered Probit Model with Multiple Random Effects.
Empirical Economics, 2005, Vol. 30, 749 - 761
Suldo, S.M.; Huebner, E.S. The Role of Life Satisfaction in the Relationship between Authoritative Parenting Dimensions and Adolescent Problem Behavior.
Social Indicators Research, 2004, Vol. 66, 165 - 195
Verkuyten, M.; Veenhoven, R. Psychische Kosten van Werkeloosheid. Zelfwaardering en Geluk onder Adolescenten waarvan de Vader Werkeloos is. (Psychological Costs of Unemployment. Happiness and Self-Esteem among Adolescents with Unemployed Fathers).
Gezin: Tijdschrift voor Primaire Leefvormen, 1989, Vol. 1, 85 - 94
Spruijt, E.; DeGoede, M.P. Het Welbevinden van Jongeren uit Verschillende Gezinstypen. (The Well-Being of Youngsters from Different Family Types).
Comenius, 1997, 99 - 116