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Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Personal correlates of happiness » Psychological characteristics » Views » Values » Ethical values

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Personal correlates of happiness Psychological characteristics Views Values Ethical values
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Ethical values, moral, principled
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Antonucci, T.C. On the Relationship between Values and Adjustment in Old Men.
International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1974, Vol. 5, 57 - 69
Brinkerhoff, M.B.; Jacob, J.C. Quality of Life in an Alternative Lifestyle: The Smallholding Movement.
Social Indicators Research, 1986, Vol. 18, 153 - 173
Lu, L.J.; Gilmour, R.; Kao, S.F. Cultural Values and Happiness: An East-West Dialogue.
The Journal of Social Psychology, 2001, Vol. 14, 477 - 493
Casas, F.; Figuer, C; Gonzalez-Carrasco, M. Strategies to Achieve Goals Related to TV or Computer Activities: Their Correlates with Adolescents' Well-Being.
Paper, 5th Conference of the International Society for Quality - of - Life Studies, July 2003, Frankfurt, Germany
James, H.S.; Chymis, A.G. Are Happy People Ethical People? Evidence from North America and Europe.
Working Paper no AEWP 2004 - 8, University of Missouri, Department of Agricultural Economics, Columbia, USA
Casas, F.; Coenders, G.; Figuer, C; Gonzalez-Carrasco, M. Subjective Well-Being. Values and Goals Achievement.
Social Indicators Research, 2004, Vol. 66, 123 - 141
Casas, F.; Figuer, C; Gonzalez-Carrasco, M.; Malo, S. Results from the International Well-Being Index in a Spanish Province.
Research Report IRQV, University of Gerona, 2004, Spain
Alarcon, R. Fuentes de Felicidad: Qué Hace Feliz a la Gente? (Sources of Happiness: What makes People Happy?)
Revista de Psicologia, 2002, Vol. 20, 171 - 196
Casas, F.; Coenders, G.; Figuer, C; Gonzalez-Carrasco, M. Satisfaction with Life Domains and Salient Values for the Future.
Glatzer, W.; Von Belows,S.; Stoffregen, M.; Eds.: "Challenges for Quality of Life in the Contemporary World", Kluwer, 2004, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 233 - 247
Sagiv, L.; Schwartz, S.H. Value Priorities and Subjective Well-Being: Direct Relations and Congruity Effects.
European Journal of Social Psychology, 2000, Vol. 30, 177 - 198