
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Personal correlates of happiness » Psychological characteristics » Views » Attitudes

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Personal correlates of happiness Psychological characteristics Views Attitudes
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Attitudes, view, opinion
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Saunders, S.A.; Roy, C. The Relation between Depression, Satisfaction with Life, and Social Interest.
South Pacific Journal of Psychology, 1999, Vol. 11, 9 - 15
Ohtake, F.; Tomioka, J. Happiness and Income Inequality in Japan.
Paper, ISER, 2004, Osaka University, Japan
Mpofu, E. Modernity and Subjective Well-Being in Zimbabwean College Students.
South African Journal of Psychology, 1999, Vol. 29, 191 -200
Delhey, J.; Newton, K. Who Trusts? The Origins of Social Trust in Seven Nations.
Working Paper FS III 02-402, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), May 2002, Germany
Lewin, F.A.; Thomas, L.E. Gerotranscendence and Life Satisfaction: Studies of Religious and Secular Iranians and Turks.
Journal of Religious Gerontology, 2000, Vol. 12, 17 - 41
Molnar, G.; Kapitany, Z. Uncertainty and the Demand for Redistribution.
Discussion Paper MT-DP-2006/8, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2006, Budapest, Hungary
Dolan, P.; Peasgood, T.; White, M.P. Review of Research on the Influences on Personal Well-Being and Application to Policy Making.
Report for Defra, 2006, UK
Sirgy, M.J. Materialism and quality of life.
Social Indicators Research, 1998, Vol. 43, 227 - 260
Smith, T.W. Factors Relating to Misanthropy in Contemporary American Society.
Social Science Research, 1997, Vol. 26, 170-196
Lounsbury, J.W.; Shields, M.; Sundstrom, E. The Relationship of Avowed Life Satisfaction to Public Acceptance of and Expectations about a Nuclear Power Plant.
Journal of Community Psychology, 1979, Vol. 7, 298 - 304