
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Personal correlates of happiness » Psychological characteristics » Satisfactions » Satisfaction with domains of life » Satisfaction with income

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Personal correlates of happiness Psychological characteristics Satisfactions Satisfaction with domains of life Satisfaction with income
Additional keywords
Satisfaction with income, earnings, pay, means, salary, wage, poor, rich, advantaged, deprivation
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Ackerman, N.M.; Paolucci, B. Objective and Subjective Income Adequacy: Their Relationship to Perceived Life Quality Measures.
Social Indicators Research, 1983, Vol. 12, 25 - 48
George, L.K. Economic Status and Subjective Well-Being: A Review of the Literature and an Agenda for Future Research.
Cutler, N.E.;Gregg, D.W.;Lawton, M.P.;Eds.: " Aging, Money, and Life Satisfaction", Springer, 1992, New York, USA, 69 - 99
Schyns, P. The Relationship between Income, Changes in Income and Life-Satisfaction in West Germany and the Russian Federation. Relative, Absolute or a Combination of Both?
Diener, E.;Rathz, D.R.;Eds.: "Advances in Quality of Life Theory and Research", Kluwer, 2000, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 83 - 110
Efraty, D.; Siegel, P.; Sirgy, M.J. The Job/Life Satisfaction Relationship among Professional Accountants: Psychological Determinants and Demographic Differences.
Diener, E.;Rathz, D.R.;Eds.: "Advances in Quality of Life Theory and Research", Kluwer, 2000, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 129 - 158
Plug, E.J. Leyden Welfare and Beyond.
Thesis Publishers, 1997, Tinbergen Institute Research Series 148, Netherlands
Hayo, B.; Seifert, W. Subjective Economic Well-Being in Eastern Europe.
Journal of Economic Psychology, 2003, Vol. 24, 329 - 348
Uglanova, E. Economic Well-Being as Predictor of Satisfaction with Life and Happiness.
Paper 6th Conference ISQOLS, November 2004, Philadelphia, USA
Borooah, V.K. What Makes People Happy? Some Evidence from Northern Ireland.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2005, Vol. 7, 427 - 465
Weidekamp-Maicher, M.; Naegele, G. Economic Resources and Subjective Well-Being in Old Age.
Mollenkopf, H.;Walker, A.;Eds: ''Quality of Life and Old Age", Springer, 2007, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 65 - 84
Xiao, J.J.; Shim, S.; Tang, C. Acting for Happiness: Financial Behavior and Life Satisfaction of College Students.
Social Indicators Research, 2009, Vol. 92, 53 - 68