
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Personal correlates of happiness » Psychological characteristics » Personality

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Personal correlates of happiness Psychological characteristics Personality
Additional keywords
Personality, character, complexion, trait, disposition, temperament, nature
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Bradbury, B.R. A Study of Guilt and Anxiety as Related to Certain Psychological Variables.
Unpublished PhD Dissertation, North Texas State University, 1967, USA
Mehrabian, A. Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance: A General Framework for Describing and Measuring Individual Differences in Temperament.
Current Psychology, 1996, Vol. 14, 261 - 292
McCrae, R.R. The Maturation of Personality Psychology: Adult Personality Development and Psychological Well-Being.
Journal of Research in Personality, 2002, Vol. 36, 307 - 317
Hendriks, M.; Vingerhoets, A.J. Crying Variables as Predictors of Health Status and Well-Being.
Poster, Psychology & Health Day, December 2002, Utrecht, Netherlands
Cummins, R.A.; Gullone, E.; Lau, A.L.D. A Model of Subjective Well-Being Homeostasis: The Role of Personality.
Gull one, E; Cummins, R.A.; Eds.: "The Universality of Subjective Well-Being Indicators", Kluwer, 2002, Netherlands, 7 - 46
Kwan, V.S.; Bond, M.H.; Singelis, T.M. Pancultural Explanations for Life Satisfaction: Adding Relationship Harmony to Self-Esteem.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1997, Vol. 73, 1038 - 1051
Diener, E. Traits Can Be Powerful, but are Not Enough: Lessons from Subjective Well-Being.
Journal of Research in Personality, 1996, Vol. 30, 389 -399
Diener, E. Subjective Well-Being and Personality.
Barone, D.F. et al (Eds).: "Advanced Personality", Plenum Press, 1998, USA, 311 - 334
Furnham, A.; Cheng, H. Personality as Predictor of Mental Health and Happiness in East and West.
Personality and Individual Differences, 1999, Vol. 27, 395 - 403
Smith, R.H.; Diener, E.; Hoyle, R.H.; Kim, S.H.; Parrot, W.G. Dispositional Envy.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1999, Vol. 25, 1007 - 1020