
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Personal correlates of happiness » Psychological characteristics » Goals » Having goals

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Personal correlates of happiness Psychological characteristics Goals Having goals
Additional keywords
Having goals, planning, aimless
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Fleeson, W.; Cantor, N. Goal Relevance and the Affective Experience of Daily Life: Ruling Out Situational Explanations.
Motivation and Emotion, 1995, Vol. 19, 25 - 57
Sheehy, G. Pathfinders; How to Achieve Happiness by Conquering Life's Crises.
Sidgwick & Jackson, 1982, London, UK
Ogilvie, D.M. Life Satisfaction and Identity Structure in Late Middle-Aged Men and Women.
Psychology and Aging, 1987, Vol. 2, 217 - 224
Brisette, G.G. The Significance of Life Goals in Aging Adjustment: A Pilot Study.
California Mental Health Research Monograph, 1967, Nr. 9
Csikszentmihalyi, M. Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience.
Harper and Row, 1990, New York, USA
Omodei, M.M.; Wearing, A.J. Need Satisfaction and Involvement in Personal Projects: Toward an Integrative Model of Subjective Well-Being.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1990, Vol. 59, 762 - 769
Salmela-Aro, K. Self-Doubt and Self-Enhancement, Self-Related Personal Projects and Well-Being in the Transition to University Life.
Paper, 1996, University of Helsinki, Finland
Dubé, L.; Jodoin, M.; Kairouz, S. L'Engagement: Un Gage de Bonheur? (Involvement: A Way to Happiness?)
Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 1997, Vol. 18, 211 -238
Vitterso, J.; Dyrdal, G.M.; Roysamb, E. Utilities and Capabilities: A Psychological Account of the Two concepts and Their Relations to the Idea of a Good Life
Paper 2nd Workshop on Capabilities and Happiness, University of Milano, 2005, Biocca, Italy
Watson, D. Mood and Temperament.
The Guilford Press, 2000, New York, USA