
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Behavioral correlates of happiness » Happiness and Work » Having work » Working (married) women

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Behavioral correlates of happiness Happiness and Work Having work Working (married) women
Additional keywords
Working (married) women, working women, working wife
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Barnett, R.C.; Baruch, G.K. Mothers' Participation in Childcare: Patterns and Consequences.
Crosby, F.J.; Ed.: "Spouse, Parent, Worker", Yale University Press, 1987, New Haven, USA, 91 - 108
Bell, R.R. Significant Roles among a Sample of Australian Women.
The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 1975, Vol. 11, 2 - 11
Holland-Benin, M.; Cable-Nienstedt, B. Happiness in Single- and Dual-Earner Families: The Effects of Marital Happiness, Job Satisfaction, and Life Cycle.
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1985, Vol. 47, 975 -984
Ferree, M.M. Working-Class Jobs: Housework and Paid Work as Sources of Satisfaction.
Social Problems, 1976, Vol. 23, 431 - 441
Trzcinski, E.; Holst, E. Hohe Lebenszufriedenheit teilzeitbeschäftiger Mütter. (Higher Life Satisfaction of Part Time Working Mothers).
Wochenbericht DIW Berlin, 2003, Nr. 34, 539 - 545
Haw, C.E. The Family Life Cycle: A Forgotten Variable in the Study of Women's Employment and Well-Being.
Psychological Medicine, 1995, Vol. 25, 727 - 738
Demerouti, E.; Bakker, A.B.; Schaufeli, W.B. Spillover and Crossover of Exhaustion and Life Satisfaction among Dual-Earning Parents.
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2005, Vol. 67, 266 - 289
Smith, E.J. The Working Mother: A Critique of the Research.
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1981, Vol. 19, 191 - 211
Pina, D.L.; Bengtson, V.L. The Division of Household Labor and Wives' Happiness: Ideology, Employment, and Perceptions of Support.
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1993, Vol. 55, 901 - 912
McLanahan, S.S.; Adams, J. The Effect of Children on Adults Psychological Well-Being 1957 - 1976.
Social Forces, 1989, Vol. 68, 124 - 146