
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Behavioral correlates of happiness » Happiness and Social Participation » Theories about effect of social involvement

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Behavioral correlates of happiness Happiness and Social Participation Theories about effect of social involvement
Additional keywords
Theories about effect of social involvement, social inclusion, social capital
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Keith, P.M.; Goudy, W.J.; Powers, E.A. Marital Status, Family, Activity and Attitudes towards Life and Death.
International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 1979, Vol. 9, 95 - 109
Campbell, A. The Sense of Well-Being in America.
McGraw-Hill, 1981, New York, USA
Danz, M.J. Buren: Een Onderzoek naar de Invloed van Overeenkomsten en Verschillen tussen Buren op het Welbevinden. (Neighbours: The Effect of Similarities and Differences of Neighbours on Well-Being).
Phd Dissertation, University of Amsterdam, Krips Repro Publ., 1981, Meppel, Netherlands
Goudy, W.J.; Goudeau, J.F. Social Ties and Life Satisfaction of Older Persons: Another Evaluation.
Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 1981, Vol. 4, 35 - 50
Harding, S.D. Values and the Nature of Psychological Well-Being.
Abrams, M.;Gerard, D.;Timms, N.,Eds.: "Values and Social Change in Britain", McMillan, 1985, London, UK, 227 - 252
Headey, B.; Holmström, E.; Wearing, A.J. Models of Well-Being and Ill-Being.
Social Indicators Research, 1985, Vol. 17, 211 - 234
Robinson, J.P.; Martin, S. What Do Happy People Do?
Social Indicators Research, 2008, Vol. 89, 565 - 571
Tiefenbach, T. Activities in Neighborhood Associations in Japan: Discovering the Drivers of Procedural Utility.
International Workshop - Comparative Study on Happiness, 2014, Session 5, Kyoto, Japan
Helliwell, J.F. Understanding and Improving the Social Context of Well-Being.
Hämäläinen, T.J.; Michaelson J.;Eds.:" Well-Being and Beyond", Edward Elgar, 2014, Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, MA, USA.
Fung,K.,K.; Liu,C.,C.; Chung,M.,M. Bowling Alone in Taiwan? Political Trust and Civic Participation of Taiwanese and their Appraisal of Liberal Democracy and Personal Wellbeing
159, 2022, Vol. 159, 1085-1102