
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Behavioral correlates of happiness » Happiness and Social Participation » Participation of .. » Handicapped

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Behavioral correlates of happiness Happiness and Social Participation Participation of .. Handicapped
Additional keywords
Handicapped, disabled
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Nelson, G.; Hall, G.B.; Wiltshire, C. Psychiatric Consumer/Survivors’ Quality of Life: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives.
Journal of Community Psychology, 1995, Vol. 23, 1 - 19
VanCampen, C.; Iedema, J.; Wellink, H. Gezond en Wel met een Beperking. (Healthy and Well with a Handicap).
Workdocument 122, Social Cultural Planning Office (SCP), 2006, the Haque, Netherlands
VanSantvoort, M.M. Disability in Europe: Policy, Social Participation and Subjective Well-being.
Ipskamp, 2009, Enschede, Netherlands
Burleigh, S.A.; Farber, R.S.; Gillard, M. Community Integration and Life Satisfaction After Traumatic Brain Injury: Long-Term Findings.
The American journal of Occupational Therapy, 1998, Vol 52, 45 - 52
VanCampen, C. Bruto Nationaal Geluk: een Proef op de Som . (Gross National Happiness: a Test.)
Schnabel, P.; Ed.; "Veel Geluk in 2007', SCP, 2007, the Hague, Netherlands, 19 - 23
VanCampen, C.; Iedema, J. Are Persons with Physical Disabilities Who Participate in Society Healthier and Happier? Structural Equation Modelling of Objective Participation and Subjective Well-Being.
Quality of Life Research, 2007, Vol. 16, 635 - 645