
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS » Behavioral correlates of happiness » Happiness and Leisure

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CORRELATES OF HAPPINESS Behavioral correlates of happiness Happiness and Leisure
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Happiness and Leisure, free time, holiday, vacation, weekend
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Bélanger, L.; Delisle, M.A. Les Relations entre les Activités Obligatoires, les Loisirs. la Satisfaction de vivre et l'Ennui dans un Groupe de Pers.Agées. (Work, Leisure, Life Satisfaction and Boredom in a Group of Aged People).
Loisir et Société, 1979, Vol. 2, 427 - 447
Graef, R.; Csikszentmihalyi, M.; McManama Gianinno, S. Energy Consumption in Leisure and Perceived Happiness.
Claxton, J. D.; et al; Eds.: "Consumers and Energy Conservation", Praeger, 1981, New York, USA, 47 - 55
Parnes, H.S.; Less, L. Variation in Selected Forms of Leisure Activity among Elderly Males.
Smith-Blau, Z.; Ed.: " Current Perspectives on Aging and the Life Cycle, Vol. 1", JAI Press, 1983, USA, 223 - 242
Argyle, M. The Psychology of Happiness.
Methuen, 1987, London, UK
Bränholm, I.B.; Fugl-Meyer, A.R. On Non-Work Activity Preferences: Relationship with Occupational Roles.
Thesis On Life Satisfaction, Occupational Roles and Activity Preferences, University of Umea, 1992, Sweden, 81 - 95
Cummins, R.A.; Davern, M.T.; Eckersley, R.; Lo, S.K. Australian Unity Wellbeing Index, Survey 4, Report 4.0. The Wellbeing of Australians. 1. Work and Leisure 2. The Impact of 11 September, One Year Later.
Australian Centre on Quality of Life, 2002, Melbourne, Australia
Boelhouwer, J. Social Indicators and Living Conditions in the Netherlands.
Social Indicators Research, 2002, Vol. 60, 89 - 113
Lloyd, K.M.; Auld, C.J. The Role of Leisure in Determining Quality of Life: Issues of Content and Measurement.
Social Indicators Research, 2002, Vol. 57, 43 - 71
Michalos, A.C.; Zumbo, B.D. Leisure Activities, Health and the Quality of Life.
Michalos, A.C.;Ed.: "Essays on the Quality of Life", Kluwer, 2003, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 217 - 238
Marks, N.; Shah, H.; Westall, A. The Power and Potential of Well-Being Indicators. Measuring Young People's Well-Being in Nottingham.
New Economics Foundation, 2004, London, UK