
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CONSEQUENCES of HAPPINESS » Effects on oneself » Various effects

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CONSEQUENCES of HAPPINESS Effects on oneself Various effects
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Various effects,
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Dickow, H.; Moller, V. South Africa's Rainbow People: National Pride and Optimism: A Trend Study.
Social Indicators Research, 2002, Vol. 59, 175 - 202
Moum, T. Is Subjective Well-Being a Predictor of Non-Response in Broad Population Surveys.
Social Indicators Research, 1994, Vol. 32, 1 - 20
Stacey, C.A.; Kozma, A.; Stones, M.J. Simple Cognitive and Behavioral Changes Resulting from Improved Physical Fitness in Persons over 50 Years of Age.
Canadian Journal on Aging, 1985, Vol. 4, 67 - 73
Veenhoven, R. How Harmful is Happiness? Consequences of Enjoying Life or Not.
University Press Rotterdam, 1989, Netherlands
Westbrook, R.A. Intrapersonal Affective Influences on Consumer Satisfaction with Products.
Journal of Consumer Research, 1980, Vol. 7, 49 - 54
Denkers, A.J. Psychological Reactions of Victims of Crime: The Influence of Pre-Crime, Crime and Post-Crime Factors.
Thesis Free University of Amsterdam, 1996, Netherlands
Jeffres, L.W.; Dobos, J. Communication and Public Perceptions of Quality of Life.
Sirgy, M.J.;Samli, A.C.;Eds.: "New Dimensions in Marketing/Quality-of-Life Research", Quorum Books, 1995, Westport, USA, 227 - 251
Reich, J.W.; Zautra, A.J. Life Events and Personal Causation: Some Relationships with Satisfaction and Distress.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1981, Vol. 41, 1002 - 1012
Lyubomirsky, S.; Kasri, F.; Tucker, K.L. Responses to Hedonically Social Comparisons: Comparing Happy and Unhappy People.
European Journal of Social Psychology, 2002, Vol. 31, 511 - 535
Blanchflower, D.G.; Lawton, H. The Impact of the Recent Expansion of the EU on the UK Labour Market.
Monetary Policy Committee Unit Bank of England, 2008, UK