
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CONSEQUENCES of HAPPINESS » Effects on oneself » Effects on performance » Effects on learning

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CONSEQUENCES of HAPPINESS Effects on oneself Effects on performance Effects on learning
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Effects on learning, education, school
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Anderson, S.A.; Atilano, R.B.; Jurich, A.P.; Paff-Bergen, L.; Russell, C.S. Dropping out of Marriage and Family Therapy: Interventions, Strategies and Spouses' Perceptions.
American Journal of Family Therapy, 1985, Vol. 13, 39 - 54
Hettinger, C.C. The Impact of Reading Deficiency on the Global Self-Concept of the Adolescent.
Journal of Early Adolescence, 1982, Vol. 2, 293 - 300
LaRocco, J.M.; Biersner, R.J.; Ryman, D.H. Life History and Mood as Predictors of Adjustment in Navy Recruit Training.
Journal of Community Psychology, 1977, Vol. 5, 46 - 51
Vitterso, J.; Karstad, K.; Olsen, S. Happy People Choose to Learn, The Unhappy Prefer Money; Measuring Materialism and Subjective Well-Being Behaviorally.
Poster presented at the 2e European Conference on Positive Psychology, 2004, Pallanzo, Italy
Ryman, D.H.; Biersner, R.J.; LaRocco, J.M. Reliabilities and Validities of the Mood Questionnaire.
Psychological Reports, 1974, Vol. 35, 479 - 484
Timmons, F.R. Freshman Withdrawal from College: A Positive Step toward Identity Formation? A Follow-up Study.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1978, Vol. 7, 159 - 173
Rusting, C.L.; Larsen, R.J. Personality and Cognitive Processing of Affective Information.
Social Psychology Bulletin, 1998, Vol. 24, 200 - 213
Boerefijn, J.; Bergsma, A. Geluksles verbetert Schoolprestaties. (Happiness Training adds to School Performance).
Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 2011, Vol. 50, 110 - 121
Binder, M.; Coad, A. Disentangling the Circularity in Sen’s Capability Approach: An Analysis of the Co-Evolution of Functioning Achievement and Resources.
Social Indicators Research, 2011, Vol.103, 327 - 355
Leeuw, S. The Happy Factor. Lessons in Happiness, Can they Affect Well- Being, Classroom Climate and Academic Achievement?
Master Thesis, University Leiden, 2012, Leiden, The Netherlands