
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CONSEQUENCES of HAPPINESS » Effects on oneself » Effects on performance

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CONSEQUENCES of HAPPINESS Effects on oneself Effects on performance
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Effects on performance, accomplishment, achievement
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Anderson, S.A.; Atilano, R.B.; Jurich, A.P.; Paff-Bergen, L.; Russell, C.S. Dropping out of Marriage and Family Therapy: Interventions, Strategies and Spouses' Perceptions.
American Journal of Family Therapy, 1985, Vol. 13, 39 - 54
Biersner, R.J.; LaRocco, J.M.; Ryman, D.H. Mood Scales as Predictors of Discharge and Sick Call Visits during Basic Military Training.
Military Medicine, 1976, Vol. 141, 859 - 861
Biersner, R.J.; Rahe, R.H.; Ryman, D.H. Physical, Psychological, Blood Serum and Mood Predictors of Success in Preliminary Underwater Demolition Team Training.
Military Medicine, 1977, Vol. 141, 215 - 219
Bose, S.; DasGupta, S.C.; Roy, K.P. An Attitude Study of Multi-Accident Omnibus Drivers.
Indian Journal of Applied Psychology, 1969, Vol. 6, 3 - 12
Diener, E.; Biswas-Diener, R. Will Money Increase Subjective Well-Being? A Literature Review and Guide to Needed Research.
Social Indicators Research, 2002, Vol. 57, 119 - 169
Diener, E.; Oishi, S. Money and Happiness: Income and Subjective Well-Being across Nations.
Diener, E.; Suh, E.M.; Eds.: "Culture and Subjective Well-Being", MIT Press, 2000, Cambridge , USA, 185 - 218
Fredrickson, B.L. What Good are Positive Emotions?
Review of General Psychology, 1998, Vol. 2, 300 - 319
Fredrickson, B.L.; Joiner, T.E. Positive Emotions Trigger Upward Spirals Toward Emotional Well-Being.
Phycological Science, 2002, Vol. 13, 172 - 175
Kirkcaldy, B.; Furnham, A. Positive Affectivity, Psychological Well-Being, Accident- and Traffic- Deaths, and Suicide: An International Comparison.
Studia Psychologica, 2000, Vol. 42, 97 - 104
Sarlio-Lähteenkorva, S. Weight Loss and Quality of Life among Obese People.
Social Indicators Research, 2001, Vol. 54, 329 - 354