
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CONCEPT of HAPPINESS » Practicality of this concept » Do people evaluate their life? » Stability of happiness » In what conditions the most stable?

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CONCEPT of HAPPINESS Practicality of this concept Do people evaluate their life? Stability of happiness In what conditions the most stable?
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In what conditions the most stable?, circumstances, preconditions
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Landua, D. Stabilisierung trotz Differenzierung? (Stabilisation in Spite of Differentiation, Perceived Quality of Life in East Germany 1990 - 1992).
Paper P 93-107, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, 1993, Berlin, Germany
Okun, M.A.; George, L.K. Physician- and Self-Rating of Health, Neuroticism and Subjective Well-Being among Men and Woman.
Personality and Individual Differences, 1984, Vol. 5, 533 - 539
Hoopes, L.L.; Lounsbury, J.W. An Investigation of Life Satisfaction Following a Vacation: A Domain Specific Approach.
Journal of Community Psychology, 1989, Vol. 17, 129 - 140
McIntosh, D.N.; Cohen-Silver, R.; Wortman, C.B. Religion's Role in Adjustment to a Negative Life Event: Coping with the Loss of a Child.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1993, Vol. 65, 812 - 821
Hagedorn, J.W. Happiness and Self-Deception: An Old Question Examined by a New Measure of Subjective Well-Being.
Social Indicators Research, 1996, Vol. 38, 139 - 160
Bernow, R. Livskvaliteten i Sverige. (Quality of Life in Sweden).
Stockholm Läns Landsting, 1985, Stockholm, Sweden
Brachtl, W.; Zapf, W. Stabilität und Wandel Individuelle Wohlfahrt: Panel Ergebnisse. (Stability and Change in Individual Well-being: Panelresults).
Glatzer, W. Zapf, W. (Eds).: " Lebensqualität in der Bundesrepublik", Campus Verlag, 1984, Frankfurt, Germany, 323 - 339
Chamberlain, K.; Zika, S. Stability and Change in Subjective Well-Being over Short Time Periods.
Social Indicators Research, 1992, Vol. 26, 101 - 117
Chiriboga, D.A. Stress and Loss in Middle Age.
Kalish, R.A., Ed.: "Midlife Loss: Coping Strategies.", Sage, 1989, London, UK, 42 - 88
Costa, P.T.; McCrae, R.R.; Zonderman, A.B. Environmental and Dispositional Influences on Well-being: Longitudinal Follow-up of an American National Sample.
British Journal of Psychology, 1987, Vol. 78, 299 - 306