
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CONCEPT of HAPPINESS » Practicality of this concept » Do people evaluate their life? » Stability of happiness » How permanent are happiness judgments?

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CONCEPT of HAPPINESS Practicality of this concept Do people evaluate their life? Stability of happiness How permanent are happiness judgments?
Additional keywords
How permanent are happiness judgments?, stable, trait
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Andrews, F.M. Stability and Change in Levels and Structure of Subjective Well-Being: USA 1972 and 1988.
Social Indicators Research, 1991, Vol. 25, 1 - 30
MacRae, D. Policy Indicators: Links between Social Science and Public Debate.
University of North Carolina Press, 1985, USA
McCrae, R.R.; Costa, P.T. Adding 'Liebe und Arbeit': The Full Five Factor Model and Well-Being.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1991, Vol. 17, 227 - 232
McNeil, J.K.; Kozma, A.; Stones, M.J. Subjective Well-Being in Later Life: Issues Concerning Measurement and Prediction.
Social Indicators Research, 1986, Vol. 18, 35 - 70
Mortimer, J.T.; Lorence, J. Self-Concept Stability and Change from Late Adolescence to Early Adulthood.
Research in Community and Mental Health, 1981, Vol. 2, 5 - 42
Moum, T. Yea-saying and Mood-of-the-Day Effects in Self-Reported Quality of Life.
Social Indicators Research, 1988, Vol. 20, 117 - 139
Mussen, P.H.; Bieber, S.L.; Eichorn, D.H.; Honzik, M.P.; Meredith, W.M. Continuity and Change in Women's Characteristics over Four Decades.
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 1980, Vol. 3, 333 - 347
Mussen, P.H.; Eichorn, D.H.; Honzik, M.P. Early Adult Antecedents of Life Satisfaction at Age 70.
Journal of Gerontology, 1982, Vol. 37, 316 - 322
Offer, D.; Baskin-Offer, J. From Teenage to Young Manhood. A Psychological Study.
Basic Books, 1975, New York, USA
Headey, B.; Wearing, A.J. A Stocks and Flows Model of Subjective Well-Being.
Paper presented at the International Congress of Psychology, 1988, Sydney, Australia