
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » CONCEPT of HAPPINESS » Meanings of the word happiness » Definition of happiness used in this Bibliography and hence in this World Database of Happiness

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CONCEPT of HAPPINESS Meanings of the word happiness Definition of happiness used in this Bibliography and hence in this World Database of Happiness
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Definition of happiness used in this Bibliography and hence in this World Database of Happiness, conceptualization, denotation, description
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Sirgy, M.J. The Psychology of Quality of Life.
Kluwer, 2002, Social Indicators Research Series, Vol. 12, Dordrecht, Netherlands
Veenhoven, R. The Four Qualities of Life. Ordering Concepts and Measures of the Good Life.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2000, Vol. 1, 1 - 39
Layard, R. Happiness: Has Social Science a Clue?
London School of Economics, 2003, Lionel Robbins Memorial Lecture 2002/3, London, UK
Diener, E. Assessing Subjective Well-Being: Progress and Opportunities.
Social Indicators Research, 1994, Vol. 31, 103 - 157
Ho, L.S. The 'Three Happiness' and Public Policy.
Ng, E.K.;Ho, L.S.;Eds.: ''Happiness and Public Policy'', Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, UK, 47 - 66
Veenhoven, R. Sociological Theories of Subjective Well-Being.
Eid, M.; Larsen, R.J.; Eds.: ''The Science of Well-Being'', The Guilford Press, 2008, New York, USA, 44- 61.
Veenhoven, R. Happy Life Years. A Measure of Gross National Happiness.
Ura, K.; Galay, K.; Ed.: "Gross national Happiness and Development, Proceedings of the First International Seminar on ' Operationalization of Gross national Happiness ', 2004, Thimphu, Bhutan, 287 - 318.
Brülde, B. Lyckans och Lidandets Etik. (The Ethics of Happiness and Suffering).
Thales, 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
Brülde, B. Lycka och Lidande: Begrepp, Metod, Förklaring. (Happiness and Suffering: Concepts, Method, Explanation).
Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2007, Sweden
Brülde, B.; Nilsson, A. Vad gör Oss nöjda med Vara Liv? (What Makes us Satisfied with Our Lives?)
SOM Rapport nr. 2010:16, SOM Institutet, Götenborg, Sweden