Bibliographic Subjects » CONCEPT of HAPPINESS » Meanings of the word happiness
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CONCEPT of HAPPINESS Meanings of the word happiness - Additional keywords
- Meanings of the word happiness, connotations, semiology
- Related bibliographic subjects
- Related correlational subjects
- None
Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive
- No empirical study reported
- 0
- No valid measure of happiness used
- 0
- Eligible but not yet entered
- 0
- Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)
- 2
List of Publications on this Subject
Social Indicators Research, 1978, Vol. 5, 475 - 492
Acta Sociologica, 1976, Vol. 19, 227 - 239
Bellebaum, A.; Ed.: "Vom guten Leben", Akademie Verlag, 1994, Berlin, Germany, 17 - 57
Mayring, P.;Saup, W.;Eds.: "Entwickelungsprozesse im Alter", Kohlhammer, 1990. Berlin, Germany, 167 - 184
Grom, B.;et al.Eds.:"Glück. Auf der Suche nach dem Guten Leben", Ullstein Verlag, 1987, Frankfurt, Germany, 13 - 190
Goudsblom, J.: "Taal en Sociale Werkelijkheid", Meulenhoff, 1988, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 151 - 162
International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1980, Vol. 11, 269 - 281
Psychological Bulletin, 1984, Vol. 95, 542 - 575
New Ideas in Psychology, 1985, Vol. 3, 3 - 12
Sozial Wissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft Rundschau, 1988, Vol. 28, 153 - 161