- Assessing trends of happiness in nations
- Explaining change in happiness in nations over time
- Nations in which the distribution of happiness is assessed by means of general population surveys over a period of at least 20 years and involving at least 10 comparable data points
Nations covered at: 1-3-2023
- Since 1940s: 2
- since 1950s: 3
- since 1960s: 8
- since 1970s: 16
- since 1980s: 18
- since 1990s: 42
- since 2000s: 41
- M: Average happiness (mean) in nation by year
- SD: Inequality of happiness (standard deviation) in nation by year
- HLY: Happy Life Years (combination of average happiness and life-expectancy) in nation by year
- IAH: Inequality-adjusted happiness (combination of average and dispersion of happiness) in nation by year
- LE: Life expectancy (estimate of how long newly born will live) in nation by year
- GDP growth Yearly increase of the Gross Domestic Product per capita in a nation in US Dollars
Data file
- The data are taken from the collection of Distributional Findings on Happiness in Nations
- The data are stored in an Excel file named, TrendsInNations_2023e.xlsx which is available for download.
This Excel file can be used as such or be uploaded in a program for statistical analysis, such as R or SPSS. - This data file is an open source and can be used if cited properly
- Additions are welcomed and will be acknowledged on this page. Contact
Cite as:
Veenhoven, R. (202?) Trends in Nations; Data file to be used for the longitudinal analysis of societal conditions for happiness. World Database of Happiness, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Assessed on (date) at: