Compilation of all research findings on happiness in a nation; both distributional findings and correlational findings.
The overview of nation reports opens with a world map of average happiness in nations, from which a particular nation can be selected. Nations can be selected by clicking on the map or using the alphabetic list of nations presented below the map.
Each nation report opens with a presentation of distributional findings on happiness and present a time graph on average happiness in the general public, using the longest available time-series.
Buttons above the graph inform about the rank of the nation in comparison to happiness in other nations during the last 10-year period. Press a buttons to see the full rank list.
Correlational findings appear on the tab at the right-top of the screen. You will see a list of variables of which the relation with happiness has ever been investigated in the country. If you click on the number you get to the finding pages. At the right of each subject category you see the number of findings on this subject observed in other countries of the world. This presentation facilitates the comparison of conditions for happiness across nations and time.
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