
Globalization of nations

GlobalizationIndex of:
1) Political engagement (number of memberships in international organizations, foreign embassies, and U.N. Security Council missions)
2) Technology (number of internet users, internet hosts, and secure servers)
3) Personal contact (international travel and tourism, telephone traffic and cross-border transfers)
4) Economic integration (trade, foreign direct investment and portfolio capital flows, and income payments and receipts)
2001GlobalizationIndex1_200150Kearney 2003
2006GlobalizationIndex1_200660Kearney 2006
GlobalizationKOF index consisting of:
1) Economic globalization
2) Social globalization
3) Political globalization  
1975GlobalIntegration_1975114Dreher 2006
2010GlobalizationIndex2_2010180Dreher 2010
Economic globalization Index of:
1) Actual flows: a) trade b) foreign direct investment flows, c) foreign indirect investment flows, d) portfolio investment, e) income payments to foreign nationals (all in % GDP)
2) Restrictions: a) hidden import barriers, b) mean tarif rate, c) taxes on international trade, d) capital account restrictions
2010GlobalizationEconomic_2010180Dreher 2010
Social globalizationIndex of:
1) Personal contacts: a) telephone trafic, b) transfers (in % GDP), c) international tourism, d) foreign population (% population), e) international letter (per capita)
2) Information flows; a) Internet users (per 10000, b) televisions (per 1000), c) trade in newspapers (% GDP)
3) Cultural proximity: number of McDonalds restaurants (per capita), b) number of Ikea shops (per capita), c) trade in books (in % GDP)
Political globalization Index of:
1) Embassies in country
2) Membership of international organizations
3) Participation in UN Security council missions
4) International treaties
2010GlobalizationPolitical_2010180Dreher 2010

Related topics: Income, Migration, Travel (international), World system position
Related themes: Modernity

The dataset States of Nations is about characteristics of countries in periods (macro variables). It is part of the World Database of Happiness. Though developed for the identification of societal conditions for happiness, this source can also be used for other purposes.