
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: M-FH-c-fi-v-5-a


Mixed: Feel Happy (M-FH)
Time frame:
currently (today, these days, presently) (c)
focussed interview (fi)
Scale Type:
verbal scale (v)
Scale Range:


Self report in focused interview:

Content analysis of interview records by two independent judges:
High ratings for R who expresses happy, optimistic attitudes and mood; who uses spontaneous positively-toned affective terms for people and things; who takes pleasure from life and expresses it. Low ratings for depression, 'feel blue and lonely'; for feelings of bitterness; for frequent irritability and anger. (Here not only R's  verbalized attitudes in the interview were considered, but interferences were made from all the knowledge of his inter-personal relationships, how others react towards him).

Rating options
5  'This is the best time of my life'. Is nearly always cheerful, optimistic. Cheerfulness may seem unrealistic to an observer, but R shows no  sign of  'putting up a bold front'.
4  Gets pleasure out of life, knows it and shows it. There is  enough restraint  to seem appropriate to a younger person. Usually feels positive affect. Optimistic.
3  Seems to move along on an even temperamental keel. Any depressions are neutralized by positive mood swings. Generally neutral-to-positive affect. May show some irritability
2   Wants things quiet and peaceful. General neutral-to-negative affect. Some depression.
1   Pessimistic, complaining, bitter. Complaints of being lonely. Feels 'blue' a good deal of the time. May get angry when in contact with people.

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Neugarten et al. (1961): study US 1955 50+ aged, whites followed 2,5 years, Kansas City, USA., 196? N = 177