

Webb (1915): study GB 1912 /1


Webb, E.
Character and Intelligence. An Attempt at an Exact Study of Character.
Cambridge University Press, 1915, London, UK


12 aged, male school pupils, London, England, 1912
Non-probability chunk sample
N = 140
Non Response
Rating by experts
Ratings by staff and trained peers. Additional projective tests

Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings

Full text:
Teacher rating on single question:

1 Personal qualities are named and briefly annotated in this schedule.
2. In the columns under each pupil's name, place one of the marks for each of the qualities specified (+3, +2, +1, 0, -1, -2, -3) To avoid errors, please put the + sign as well as the -

'General tendency to be 'cheerful' (as opposed to being depressed and low spirited)
+3  very high compared to average
+2  distinctly above average
+1  slightly above average
  0  average
-1  slightly below average
-2  distinctly below average
-3  lowest as compared to average
Author's label:
General tendency to be cheerful

Correlational Findings

Author's label Subject Description Finding Bodily activity during school hours Physical activity Bodily activity in pursuit of pleasures(games, etc.) Physical activity Mental work bestowedupon pleasures (games, etc.) Leisure activity level Mental work bestowedupon usual studies Involvement in school-work Anger Aggressive, angry Readiness to show fear in the face of bodily danger Anxious Intelligence Verbal ability Quickness of apprehension Reputation of intelligence Profoundness of apprehension Reputation of intelligence Soundness of common sense Reputation of intelligence Originality of ideas Reputation of intelligence Physique Morphological characteristics
Expert rating of health
Desire to excel Ambitious Desire to be liked by associates Approval seeking Eagerness for admiration Approval seeking Desire to impose own will Leadership ambition
Need for dominance
General excellence of character Moral Trustworthiness Trust-worthy Conscientiousness Conscientious Not to abandon tasks from mere changeability Persistent Not to abandon tasks in the face of obstacles Persistent Influence Taking leading roles
Dominant behavior
Tendency to show kindness Kind Fondness for companionship, as opposedto solitariness Concern about personal contacts Athletics Skilled in sports